Could You Please


Still Fresh
Jan 24, 2004
Could you please port gta vice city on the gp32 ?

Thanks in advance and long live to D
Just wait for the PS2 emu to come around, it would probably be out before anyone manages to port vice city to GP32.
Im afraid it isnt possible to have vice city on the gp32,Due to lack of Controls and the hardware issues of the gp32.

The playstation has a cpu speed of 733 mhz (Correct me if im wrong).

Plus the general thumb for coding is 6 x the gp32 hardware specs compared to the system needing to be emulated. The gp32 runs at 180 mhz at max,Even that is no where close to the speed of the playstation.

The gp32 also lacks 3d hardware.Making it difficult to make it work. You may think doom is 3d but infact it is 2d,For example look at the sprites,They are allways facing you hence being 2d.

If the playstation was the same speed of the gp32 of 133mhz,We still wouldnt see it as the emulaotr has to emulate the sound,Grapics etc. Not just like its playing the game.

Also The games are on cds , CDs are at maximum 800mb, An SMC which s used for the gp32 (Black card with a shiny metal/Copper surface) Can hold at max 127.5mb.

However it would be possible to make a game similair but say GTA1/2 But it would be possible due to no source code provde,Maybe in 5 years we will see some but forr the time being it wont happen.


We wont see any GTA series on th gp32 at the moment,Maybe with the next gp32 we will see a psx emu,But at this moment its most likely not to happen.

I hope this helps you.

+1 Posstive post!:P

PS Welcome to the board!

Also: Goddamit guys and gals :P, That wasnt za very nice welcome was it?
blipped4 posted on Feb 22 2004 at 12:52 AM said:
The playstation has a cpu speed of 733 mhz (Correct me if im wrong).
Think your quoting the xbox cpu there.

Playstation cpu is - 33.8688MHz
Playstaion 2 is 294.912mhz
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Blipped, the Xbox speed is 733Mhz. You should really check your sources ;)
blipped4 posted on Feb 21 2004 at 08:22 PM said:
the xbox is 733mhz :P,Jeez the playstation cpu is considerably slow!
you could say that, yes, if they were both x86 CPUs but they are not.
The xbox runs a modified Celeron. It has a GPU in the video card.

PS2's chip is not stock. Sony calls it an "Emotion Engine" It also has a collection of co-processors that carryout a lot of the work. IIRC its 16 separate chips, that all have their own assembly language(from my use of PS2 -Linux).

the best way I know of comparing to different CPUs is GFLOPS

ps2 is said to run around 6.2 GFLOPS

xbox is around 2.93 GFLOPS

but xbox has better anti-aliasing than ps2
When its all said and done, its apples to oranges

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GTA Vide City could NOT be ported at all!! What are you, crazy?? The GP 32x cd rom drive hasnt been released yet. And there are just not enough buttons on the Gamepark. Although, i am currently porting True Crime: Streets of L.A. if you like that game. It runs at FS 3 at 166. No sound yet though. Wait for the next release.

I personally admire that blipped4 didnt flame this guy. And i usually dont do what i did above. But this WAS clearly a joke, and this new member didnt read the rules, so shame on him!
Apparently No Computer is powerfull enough yet to even Emulate the PS2 because of that "Emotion Engine" the PS2 Has :D...
Just one point - If it ISN'T a joke, and he'd read the faq, our n00b would realise that YOU NEED SOURCE CODE TO PORT SOMETHING.

So the power of the machine wouldn;t have even become an issue, as you couldn't have got that far...
Dozer posted on Feb 22 2004 at 11:25 AM said:
blipped4 posted on Feb 22 2004 at 10:23 AM said:
OMG jeEZ i post a good topic and suddenly its "Blips a bastard,All hate blipped,Hes planning".
have you read the thread? no1 flamed u.
Day release. :rolleyes:

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