Could This Game Be Ported?


Still Fresh
Mar 16, 2008
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hello (I hope I've posted this in the right section),
I am really looking forward to the Pandora's release. :D
Lately I've been playing a game called TORCS (The Open Racing Car Simulator,, and it is open-source. It also uses OpenGL libraries and can run under Linux.
The minimum system requirements are: 550MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, OpenGL 1.3 compatible graphics card with 32 MB RAM. Since the Pandora has 600Mhz CPU, 128MB RAM and has OpenGL 2.0 hardware, would it be possible to port it? If it is possible, would it be difficult? Please note that I know absolutely nothing about porting games.

Thanks in advance. :pandora1: :)
I'm sure I ran this on one of my PC's a while back and it ran quite sluggish on a system above the minimum spec.

Whilst it may be possible to run it, running it at a decent speed may be a bit harder, would probably require optimizations in several places.
It may be quite possible, I think the GPU would handle it, but the CPu is just a bit slow for it
While I do think a port is possible, I would like to point out that OpenGL-ES 2.0 != OpenGL 2.0.
nice! although open gl es 2.0 is different than opengl 2.0, the effects used doesn't look way out of hand for pandora's gpu
this might take A LOT of effort when it comes to optimization, but i'd guess it is possible to make it playable on the pandora. so don't expect it anytime soon, unless a really good dev with lots of free time realy likes torcs :P
It wouldn't be the easiest port, but it would be a good one to show off the power of the system.
one of my thread was removed. so maybe i ask something impossible. i will ask it here.

is it possible to port a PC game racing. Anyone can be cool. i know you need the source.
but cant believe that all pc racing game dont have a source. maybe that was the game i said that was impossible: need for speed series, wipeout, pod, moto racer, screamer... BUT ANY 3D racing game, even the older one would be nice
renejr902 said:
one of my thread was removed. so maybe i ask something impossible. i will ask it here.

is it possible to port a PC game racing. Anyone can be cool. i know you need the source.
but cant believe that all pc racing game dont have a source. maybe that was the game i said that was impossible: need for speed series, wipeout, pod, moto racer, screamer... BUT ANY 3D racing game, even the older one would be nice

whats wrong with playing the psx need for speed series? im sure there were 3 or 4 NFS games on the playstation.
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I used to play TORCS on my linux system with a wiimote using a usb bluetooth dongle, it's a great game and I think the Pandora can run it, although it'll need some work