Could "Inside A Star Filled Sky" be ported?


Apr 26, 2010
I think would be cool to play on the Pandora. The full source is available from the homepage. It says it uses OpenGL though but as previous games from Jason were ported maybe it's still possible?
The website curiously makes no mention of licensing. It might be "Open Source" but what of the license?

There's nothing explicitly stating whether or not you can recompile and redistribute on another platform or not. In this case, it'd probably be best to ask the author if they'll port it.
I think I mentioned it in one of the threads about ports of Jason Rohrer's other games Passage and Gravitation that I am planning to port this eventually (if nobody does it before).

I have not bought the game yet and don't have to do so currently, but I would love to see this game on the Pandora.

Technically I think it should be possible, he probably only uses SDL as in his other games, the only problem could be performance, but one would have to see about that.

As for a licensing, his other games are public domain, this one probably is not, so personally I would also just go ahead and ask him.

The final Pandora binary could either be distributed through his site or the repo (just the binary, not the data file - like it has been done with other commercial games).
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"The game was developed on a 900MHz laptop where it runs at 30 frames per second and is perfectly playable. On a 1.5 GHz Mac Mini, it runs at a smooth 60 frames per second. In other words, it will most likely run on your computer."

- from website

Edit: From a look at the video, the openglstuff doesn't look too bad to convert.
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Sounds promising. (:

I propably should learn how to port stuff myself... are there any places where one could read up on that topic (especially the OpenGL stuff)?
Yeah I already succesfully used that toolchain to compile some simple stuff. (: Thanks for the link, I'll give it a try.
If you have questions, feel free to ask or join #openpandora on freenode. You can find sebt3, pickle, Cloudef, me and others there that can maybe help you.
This is now my active/primary porting project. I'm hoping for a release in the next week or so.
There are also Sleep is dead and Transcend from same author.

Both seem to be bsed on the minorgems "engine". If you convert the engine, there should be nothing keeping you from compiling both games.
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