Could Somebody Reccomend Me A Book?


I am the king of the collectors, with hospital bed
Apr 17, 2006
I'm interested in getting started with game progamming for the GP2X. I'd like to get a book that covers C (and maybe SDL) for this purpose. I'm not sure whether I want to write using SDL or another library (I'm thinking of Libgp2x, or maybe rlyeh's minimal lib, if only I can find the documentation). I'd like to read a book about this, because I read very quickly and learn best by reading. Can somebody help?

tl;dr: book on gp2x code with or without sdl plz k thx bai

EDIT: Or maybe using that new Blocks SDK or something.
I wouldn't recommend using Minimal Library or similar if you are just getting started (I wouldn't recommend SDL either). Write some command line applications first.
sam fisher said:
I don't think "The C Programming Language" is a book of his...errr....level.
Agreed, it's a reference not a tutorial. You could get it in addition to a tutorial but I usually use an online reference e.g. with a tutorial book. This one is supposed to be good but I haven't read it so I can't really recommend it as such.

atomicthumbs: what's you general programming level, have you programmed other languages, have you completed large projects in other languages. Are you a complete beginner? I should also say that trying to learn programming by reading is like trying to learn to play the piano by reading music. So practice as you read.

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charlieb said:
sam fisher said:
I don't think "The C Programming Language" is a book of his...errr....level.
Agreed, it's a reference not a tutorial. You could get it in addition to a tutorial but I usually use an online reference e.g. with a tutorial book. This one is supposed to be good but I haven't read it so I can't really recommend it as such.

atomicthumbs: what's you general programming level, have you programmed other languages, have you completed large projects in other languages. Are you a complete beginner? I should also say that trying to learn programming by reading is like trying to learn to play the piano by reading music. So practice as you read.


I agree, having the C programming language and also being a beginner. But I managed to release a game....using fenix.
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charlieb said:
sam fisher said:
I don't think "The C Programming Language" is a book of his...errr....level.
Agreed, it's a reference not a tutorial. You could get it in addition to a tutorial but I usually use an online reference e.g. with a tutorial book. This one is supposed to be good but I haven't read it so I can't really recommend it as such.

atomicthumbs: what's you general programming level, have you programmed other languages, have you completed large projects in other languages. Are you a complete beginner? I should also say that trying to learn programming by reading is like trying to learn to play the piano by reading music. So practice as you read.


Err... Qbasic and LOGO. I can read code and understand what it does (at least the source for Spout), but I can't write code. Also, how old is that book? I guess it really doesn't matter since C hasn't changed much since the last revision (80s?).
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I would recommend getting a high school or college level introductory text book to C programming because they don't expect you to have much prior knowledge and the lessons are usually short and simple.
atomicthumbs said:
Err... Qbasic and LOGO. I can read code and understand what it does (at least the source for Spout), but I can't write code. Also, how old is that book? I guess it really doesn't matter since C hasn't changed much since the last revision (80s?).
If you already know a programming language then I suggest you throw yourself in at the deep end and try to create something. Use a reference and an online tutorial and get going. Get to know you chosen development environment. I commend your ability to read code (I could do that more) but you really need to code to get a grip on syntax and program design. There are alternative schools of thought on books vs practical and I'm defintelly way on the practical side because there's nothing like making the same mistake 5 times to cement the lesson you read about yesterday.

The age of the book is really not important, C syntax is not very complicated (in most cases) so what you really want is a book that will teach the paradigms and idioms of a particular language so you can program effectively in that language. You'll learn the syntax by osmosis (and by yelling at your compiler for giving you cryptic error messages) whether it is ANSI C, C89 or C99 is not that important.

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