Most certainly. But at that point you need a dedicated net-accesible server. If it's open to a large community, costs will be an issue. If you set it up yourself, you might as well run the webserver from it, just using the Pandora to control it remotely. But it's the broadly accessible near-zero configuration apparently provided by Opera Unite that we'll have a hard time replicating on the Pandora.
If you want a webserver that can be accessed by anyone and controlled from your Pandora, it's just a matter of setting up your own machine (at home, or renting one somewhere), making sure it's accessible from the internet, installing webserver software (Apache or lighttpd for example), and installing SSH or VNC to administer it remotely. Home servers are generally useful, and you don't even need a powerful one; a Beagle Board or SheevaPlug would probably suffice.
If you want to recreate the whole Opera Unite service... That's a little beyond me. You would have to have a dedicated server that clients register themselves with. The server would have to provide DNS for each client, with each client telling the server its address periodically. Then the server would have to test for access to the client (to see whether it's behind an unconfigured router) and, if it can't reach, establish a tunnel to it and change the DNS entry for that machine to point to the server instead.