Opera Mobile - Semi Request


Active Member
Jun 27, 2010
Milwaukee, WI, USA
I know one of the primary prerequisites to requesting a port of a program is to provide source code for compiling on the Pandora... I am unsure if the full desktop opera browser would be a good port request due to the screen size, so I'm hoping the mobile version works out. I am not going for the mini, because it does not support Opera Turbo which compresses websites server-side to minimize download times/amounts (which is a great feature for dialup, 3G and limited bandwidth users) and it's the only incarnation of Opera that does not have said feature (yet). I would hope that, if nothing else, someone from OPT could contact Opera and either ask them for the code or for to compile a version of opera in a VM with the necessary parameters to work on a Pandora (then one of the devs around here can PND it)... also, I did just find a link for a project for Opera Mobile to be ported to Maemo http://labs.opera.com/news/2010/05/11/ so that may be a good starting point as well.

Would really love to see this on the Pandora, but am not in the greatest rush to complain that it's missing or for it to be there (still gotta get a Pandora in hand). Figured I'd start this thread as more of a discussion until a real possibility is out there to see Opera and Pandora together... hence the "semi-request" statement in the title. :P
This was discussed at one point and it was determined that there is a licensing fee involved with Opera. So it looks like it's a no-go for the Pandora. There are plenty of other browsers available, however.

I could be totally wrong about this, mind you, but that's what I remembered reading.
hmm.. will have to research this, thanks... I guess my second option in that case would be the Android-based Dolphin browser... wonder if that one's even possible...
Custom, Opera Mini does have Turbo but it isn't called that because ALL data is pushed through Opera's servers. Opera Turbo is the name of the option to use server-side rendering in Opera's other platforms like Desktop and Mobile, which usually may not need it due to the likely-hood of higher speed access.