Coolboy/Retrogame RS-97 - Spiritual successor to the Dingoo A320


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Jun 25, 2003
I first saw this device mentioned on another thread here a while ago, and I'm surprised it didn't have its own thread yet.


Packing an upgraded (but still rather old) MIPS SoC and able to run a community-developed version of gmenu2x, the RS-97 more or less picks up where the long-discontinued A320 left off. It's a bit bigger in every dimension, but you get a bigger display, more processing power, and an easily-replaceable battery in the larger form factor. Specs are as follows:

  • 3 inch 320x480 display
  • Ingenic JZ4760 MIPS SoC (stable up to 600mhz)
  • 128MB RAM
  • Two MicroSD slots (one internal, one in the fake GBA cart)
  • Replaceable Nokia BL-5B battery
  • Composite TV out, stereo headphone out
The device ships with par-for-the-course garbage firmware with halfass-ported emulators and a much of pirated games built in. It would be just another of many generic Chinese emulator handhelds, but for the fact that a dev named Steward has ported the OpenDingux/Gmenu2x firmware from the dingoo handhelds and is actively porting/fixing emulators, games, and applications. Progress is moving quite quickly. The changelog for the release dropping later this week is extensive. Upgrading from stock firmware to gmenu2x is relatively simple.

There's a lengthy discussion thread on this device and the dev process over on the dingoonity boards. There's a blog/news site set up for it as well. Units are available from various online retailers variously under the "RetroGame", Coolbaby", and "Coolboy" names, starting around $50.
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Yeah, I checked that I could install dingux on this when it came up in the other thread. Nice to have newly available hardware for this, even if in many ways it feels like a mere evolution of what we had with the Dingoo consoles all those years ago now.

Hardware wise, I'm not sure I could live with that screen door; grid overlay effect on the LCD, although on that video it's only really obvious on flat colour areas. And that terrible d-pad is worth considering of course.

And lol at the windows users having to download all kinds of unsigned shareware just to flash or partition an sd card.
Sidewards? You mean diagonal perhaps? On high sided crosses that's a bit weird yes, but for example on the ds-phat's cross with was very low set with a very small but positive click, I didn't have any discomfort achieving reliable shoryukens. It's never what I would actually describe as hurting for me, but yeah there is a minor discomfort hitting diagnoals on something like the dreamcast d-pad, and hitting them reliably can be an art.

I used to not like disc d-pads because of not being a particular fan of the squishy mega-drive pad, and always saw the cross as a positive sign of nintendo's quality control. But the Pandora taught me to appreciate the disc, and these days I don't even find clone megadrive pads that bad.
There will be a new firmware update release tommorow (on 13.3.2018)
I alredy recieved 2 units.
for 50 bucks is awsome.
I am a fan of Nintendo's early d-pads (GB, surprise!). Like @levi I never liked the round ones until Pandora. One style is not inherently better than the other, as both types can suck if not done properly (notice I mentioned early Nintendo examples, as they aren't as good as they used to be imo). A good example of one can't be compared to a bad example of the other fairly.

Having said that, there are times where I have a hard time reliably hitting a diagonal and only a diagonal with the cross style, such as some music software. It kinda ruins a song when you hit a wrong note for a moment while moving to the right note, and the instrument doesn't matter, whether a clarinet or a GB, it sounds bad. There are a few ways to fix it for that specific purpose, and a round d-pad would be ideal. I should try the same software on the Pandora and see how it works. Thanks for bringing this up.
I have repackaged a new firmware today v1.3 which has all the latest fixes and updated emulators applied to it live on my site now thank you all
Just a update i have made a new v1.3 opendingux firmware to support the Newer RS-97 v2.1 Models that have just started apearing

New opendingux v1.3 firmware for the new RS97 v2.1 (LCD screen ONLY)
Ok i have made a new firmware for the new NEW RS97 (v2.1 LCD ONLY)
opendingux firmware v1.3.

ONLY DOWNLOAD IF YOU HAVE THE NEW RS97 (V2.1 LCD SCREENS ONLY) look at the picture below note the serial number on the screen on the right hand side this is the new RS97 v2.1 system LCD or another way to check behind the battery as the picture below it should say v2.1 (DO NOT FLASH TO A v2.0 system)

Download Links below!8p4hHa5Q!qtNNPmGjYGfNgjp3cvAwoliD4Y5sM7Hj7RoELJqDVD0

Instructions unzip with 7z write the image to card with win32diskimage

Update confirmed working and tested by user dribbletaint#2387
I have release the new v1.4 opendingux firmware instructions below.

changelog opendingux v1.4
added openjazz game
added opentyrian game
added tileworld game
added gmenuNext 28-04-2018 release

CFW v1.4 Released for RS97 old v2.0 & RS97 new v2.1
*Important notes please make sure you use a genuine sd card class 10 and when Please make sure the sd card is formatted to fat32 32kb blocks in windows. Sometimes sd card readers can cause a problem try to change your sd card reader if you have problems.

We have renamed all the folders on the server to make is easy os_images/ Internal SD Card/So these can only be flashed to internal Patched for Ext SD Loader/ So these can only be flashed to external

Compatible for v1.0 & v2.0 & v2.1 rs-97 systems.

(Easy Method 1)
**NOTE** All future versions of opendingux will be released using this method. As its very easy and saves you having to open the device up there's no need to extend the partitions,No nagging screens when transferring files from pc also you can boot stock or opendingux just by inserting or removing the card. And with this method it will be compatible with all screens as it uses the stock firmware LCD driver.

#1) IF you already have done the rs97extloader mod, skip to step 9
#2) Make sure you have the default original firmware in the internal SD.
#3) Prepare another SD Card (size doesn't matter), format as FAT32, 32kb blocks, primary partition
#4) Download
#5) Extract the zip in step 4 into the SD card you prepared at step 3
#6) Insert the SD card from step 5 into the RS-97's GBA cart/sd slot
#7) Turn on RS97 and go to file browser and navigate to external sd
#8) Run "install.dge"
#9) Prepare your SD card that you are going to use for your CFW. Format as FAT32, 32kb block size, primary partition
#10) Download os_ima... Loader/AutoExec/
#11) Extract zip from step 10 to step 9
#12) Done!

Duelboot instructions
turn on the device with the opendingux sdcard INSIDE the external slot to boot to opendingux turn on the device with the opendingux sdcard OUT the external slot to boot to stock firmware/Stock firmware.
Not entirely sure why (not least as I have 2 x GCW Zero's which get little use and this looks similar) but I've just ordered one. Cheaper than a GPD Win 2 (which I missed the pre-order so may as well wait a few months for the price to come down and the original is generally fine for me) and need something to keep me going till the Pyra. Looks like it needs some fettling to get it working, which is at least half the fun. Lets see...
Well, it arrived safely and quickly (and with a discount via a code from jutleys website - thanks...)

First impressions - its small. The wiz was the GPH handheld i missed out on, and I'd guess similar to that as its the smaller than the gp2x, caanoo, gcw zero. Screen a bit small for my aging eyes, but then I think the Pyra screen will be smaller than I'd like, so don't listen to me on that front.

Feels a little cheap (well - it is at £40), notably the volume wheel. But it all works, screen is reasonably sharp and controls are 'sufficient'. The GBA style cartridge for the micro SD is a bit wierd - re-using old hardware moulds i guess. Battery life isn't great (a few hours so not terrible either) but ordered a replacement which allegedly offers 4-5 hours.

Now is a good time to get on board - as above from jutley the firmware is improving and now you can use the external SD rather than have to open up the device to access the internal one which is a lot easier. Emulators run well on the whole (from the testing I've given it).

So all in all, won't replace any of my other devices but a nice addition, and at the price... one I won't be precious about which may mean it ends up getting more use.

Shout if you have questions - although dingooity unsurprisingly is the place to go to find more.
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The GBA style cartridge for the micro SD is a bit wierd - re-using old hardware moulds i guess.
Yeah, it's using the moulds for the Revo K101. Apparently the Revo team sold them to the Coolboy team after they bowed out of the market. The K101 could play GBA carts it you plugged them into this socket, but was a bit ropey emulating anything else it seems. For this you'd have to rip your GBA carts, but it does emulate them fine and a number of other 8/16-bit systems just fine.
K101 could play GBA carts it you plugged them into this socket, but was a bit ropey emulating anything else it seems.
IIRC the K101 a hardware clone of the GBA rather that a generic emulator device
Yeah, probably explains why it wasn't that grand at emulating old consoles. But it's the same case in any eventuality.

Edit: By which I mean if it's running a 16MHz ARM7 plus a Z80 or whatever actually was in a GBA (it's something along those lines I think), but it can't be running Nintendo's bootloader and libraries because those are proprietary. If you're running your own bootloader you can try to do anything with a bit of hardware, including running a menu and emulators.