Convince my mom


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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Can anyone think of anything that will convince my mom that a GP32 is a good purchase (she'll let me have one, but if she dosen't agree about getting it, and I mess it up by flashing a BIOS, for example, there will be problems :huh: ) Since I think that most of you are adults, you could probably think of some foolproof thing good about it (in a parent's view who dosen't like ANY consoles)
for the sake of 5 seconds i see no need to flash the bios :P the gp free launcer works perfect.
i showed my mum the gp32 earlier showing her alex the kidd. and arcano/gp tetris etc etc she liked it.
came back from dinner and she had it on and loaded tetris all by her self :P

tell your mom that you wont need to buy any games for it because there all free on the internet :) and it doubles as a mp3 player =]
Tell your mum that you can get all of these games for free, so you wont need to buy another console ever again :D
If your parents owns a shop or something say youll work it off on weekends, worked for me ;)
My mum wasn't too hot on the idea of getting one also but once I did I showed her the possibilities and now she encourages me to put more stuff on it.
Outline the costs.

A GBA or equivalent system costs £50-£85 here in the UK, plus £25-£30 for a game.

A GP32 with 64mb SMC (smartMedia card) will set you back £120-ish.

Provided you use free ROMs with an emulator, the GP32 pays for itself after less than 2 games (after 2 games it becomes more expensive to use the GBA).

Plus GBA emulation is coming soon!

- Rico
I agree with everything said, and you could tell her about how great the community is if that matters. and if your interested in programing the gp32 is a cool way to start, with all the ports that are doable.
people remember, this is his / her mum... I'd go with this (oh maybe play some uplifting music in the background during the pitch, a powerpoint slide show might help too):

Emedded software development is a sound career choice.

In these modern times, more and more devices are produced with high levels of automation and all of these require a some sort of code running on atleast a microcontroller, or a cpu.
<flick powerpoint to a picture of a kettle or a toaster>

Embedded software developers are in short supply.
<flick to a pie chart>

The ARM series of CPUs are well regarding in the electronic / software engineering community as a stable and viable platform for modern systems design.
<flick to a cooled up picture of an ARM cpu>

Learning to write code for the GP32 is an excellent way to get started in the business, and hoan the skills required to build highly optimized executables for a generic embedded design paradigm.
<flick to a flow chart entitled 'Real time OS development flow' or somesuch buzzword>

Armed with these skills, you will surely grow up to become an assest to civilisation as you help produce the next wave of technological advances, improving the daily lives of your fellow mankind.
<flick to a picture of people shaking hands and smiling whilst wearing ultramodern clothes standing at the edge of a giant futuristic metropolis>

Yes that's right the GP32 is the vision of the future, securing your place amonst the few who have given us such fantastic advances as,
the printing press,
<gutenburg and a printing press>

the light bulb,
<eddison demorating his light bulb>

the electric hair dryer
<someone from the 60s with big hair>

and tetris.
<a russian dude>

<switch off the music or change the track to some depressing classical number invovling a chello>

Without the gp32, you will grow meek and lame, bored and souless, quite possibily turning to drugs, gambling, and easy women (or men). You will then no doubt become a criminial to help feed your roller coaster style habbit, which will inturn probably result in you commiting murder and spending the rest of your life in prision.
<flick to a mock up picture of your headstone>

Hope this helps, let us all know how you go.
Oraee posted on Mar 28 2003 said:
Tell your mum that you can get all of these games for free, so you wont need to buy another console ever again :D
Also tell your mum that you won't wanting the next new thing that comes out.
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stickofjoy posted on May 13 2003 said:
Also tell your mum that you won't wanting the next new thing that comes out.
Unless its a GP64...
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