GP2X Control Gp2x Through Pc Keyboard!?


Dec 10, 2005
Istanbul, TR
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I was trying our new break out board with RS-232, USB Host, TV-Out and Audio Out. I plugged the serial cable and turn the gp2x on. On the Hyper Terminal I see the linux boot. And then... I noticed that several keys working like gp2x joystick and buttons: :blink: :huh:

Keyboard ----> GP2X
q ----> L Button
w ----> Y Button
e -----> R Button
a ----> A Button
s ----> X Button
d ----> B Button
f ----> Joystick Button
c ----> Volume Down
, -----> Volume Up
z ----> Select Button
x ----> Start Button

j ------> Left
l ------> Right
i ------> Up
k ------> Down

Can anybody confirm this? :huh:
Update : I have tested these key strokes with SDLTest Thingy. But it seems there's another lay out on the menu for button. For example:

"u" for B button and etc.
i think this is the way the gp2x handles input, the keyboard is remapped to the gp2x input. the differences in the layout may be due to different SDL builds.
Maybe it would also be possible to use the gp2x as a gamepad controller for the pc... :o I might give it a try one day, USB HID specs are not that difficult... :)
cheap-plastic posted on Feb 20 2006 at 09:28 PM said:
Maybe it would also be possible to use the gp2x as a gamepad controller for the pc... :o I might give it a try one day, USB HID specs are not that difficult... :)

It`s been done with the GP32 (through usb), So it should be possible with the GP2x, Though it does use battery power, Obviously.

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