Console Controllers On Gp2x??


Still Fresh
Jun 20, 2006
Hi, n00b here. I just ordered my GP2X last night, sweet!

Would it be possible to hook up console controllers via USB to the GP2X? Possibly using something like the SmartJoy USB adaptors from lik-sang?

I was envisioning using the GP2X as a portable console that I could hook up to a TV with the TV-out cable and use a console controller (possibly even my PS2 controller with my super smartjoy adaptor!). It would be sweet! I not really interested in 2-player gaming, but that would be a bonus.

I did a search, and a similar question has been asked before, but not recently, so I was wondering if there is any new information.

Glad to be a new member of the community! Can't wait till I receive my GP2X!! :D
Yes this should be possible, once the bbox is widespread hopefully most authors will support all controllers which are found connected.
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Yes this should be possible, once the bbox is widespread hopefully most authors will support all controllers which are found connected.

Awesome! B)

There is also an other way to do this.

It's hardware mood and unfortunately the GP2x's buttons pads aren't too easy to solder on. Otherwise I could just put a µC with more I/O pins and rewire everything.

However as stick in the GP2x is really outputing 9 digital discrete lines so with some software support...
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Would it be possible to hook up console controllers via USB to the GP2X? Possibly using something like the SmartJoy USB adaptors from lik-sang?
Hi, Nubie here :)

Try this:

Pick a console, no analog, but then I doubt the GP2X will need it.

These would be a lot simpler than a SmartJoy, I have adaptors and they are annoying and bulky, I wish these USB interfaces came in PSX digital though, that would be perfect for me.

I still have that Saitek DPAD what I was using once to test very first converter. If I will be in a mood then I try to rewire all its buttons to an µC. Then serially connect to the GP2x. Plus would be that no breakout box or no extra powering would be needed. Minus - a controller will have to be modded.
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my competition pro usb joystick is waiting for some serious vice action! :-)