Connection: Phone-2-Pandora


Dec 29, 2008
Northern Sweden
I slept last night... okay I really didn't, but this is the idea I got while I didn't sleep!

What stops us from connecting our cellphones to the Pandora via bluetooth? I see endless possibilities here. First off, we can at least satisfy these people (who really want their Pandora to act like a phone) a little. I'm thinking of just writing some simple Java or Symbian app (I got one of those bricks, P900) to open up a connection with an awaiting bit of code on the Pandora over bluetooth and send, for example, encrypted SMS-data whenever such a text is received by the phone.

With a keyboard it will be a lot easier and less of a pain-in-the-T9-ass to then answer those SMS:s and send the data back to the app on the phone, which in turn decrypts that information (we don't won't our privacy in the hands of some airsniffing bluetoothhackers) and forward it through the telephone net (therefore bypassing those laws denying direct access with our beloved). Especially if one is hung up on their new Pandora and the phone to reality seem like an obscurity (which I for one think I'll be doing...).

Of course, text messages aren't the only application area for such a connection, even though it most certainly is the easiest one. It should be theoretically possible to open up a connection whereas the Pandora can answer phone calls and send data from the microphone to the phone (and then to the receiving phone) and vice versa. Thus allowing phone conversations directly through the speakers (or headphones) and the microphone!

What do you guys think? Have you thought of something similar and does it sound like an interesting project to try? :)
I've seen this kind of thing in cars, I think it'd be great to use this with a Pandora. I just haven't a clue on how to go about it :P
GuSec said:
What do you guys think? Have you thought of something similar and does it sound like an interesting project to try? :)
Yep, I've actually been planning this exact thing for about 10 months :P
I also have symbian so you're in luck :P which version of symbian do you have?

I've been thinking about it and I'm pretty sure I'll just use my phone most of the time, but just for coolness it's worth doing -imagine having a popup in your Pidgin alongside your IM's that had your text messages in there, threaded by conversation?
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check gnome-phone-manager (works with my samsung, Xperia and nokia phones).

Hope this link works :
rabidpoobear said:
Yep, I've actually been planning this exact thing for about 10 months :P
I also have symbian so you're in luck :P which version of symbian do you have?

I've been thinking about it and I'm pretty sure I'll just use my phone most of the time, but just for coolness it's worth doing -imagine having a popup in your Pidgin alongside your IM's that had your text messages in there, threaded by conversation?
Sounds very nice, I've been more than a little bit angry at the slow typing system (it seems bloated) and the internal microphone and speakers lately! Since I'm using P900 I'm pretty sure it's running Symbian 7.0.

Yes, that sure sounds like a very cool idea. That's a function I sure would like to have, or implement myself, into such an UI. Easy access to previous texts from the same contact via some conversation manager, it would make texting such more easy and fun.

I would be glad to work on such a project if you want some help. I've not looked so deeply into bluetooth or phone programming, but I've done a bit C/C++/Java-programming quite some time ago, and I'm a quick learner. Have you started somewhere?
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GuSec said:
Sounds very nice, I've been more than a little bit angry at the slow typing system (it seems bloated) and the internal microphone and speakers lately! Since I'm using P900 I'm pretty sure it's running Symbian 7.0.

Yes, that sure sounds like a very cool idea. That's a function I sure would like to have, or implement myself, into such an UI. Easy access to previous texts from the same contact via some conversation manager, it would make texting such more easy and fun.

I would be glad to work on such a project if you want some help. I've not looked so deeply into bluetooth or phone programming, but I've done a bit C/C++/Java-programming quite some time ago, and I'm a quick learner. Have you started somewhere?
I'm mostly working on my Pandora painting app right now, but I'll bust out a SVN in the next couple of days for my Pandora projects and I'll start this project there as well.
I'm probably just going to implement it in Python. Symbian has Python hooks to all the functions. Not sure how hard it is to deploy Python programs on Nokia though, never done it. The Pandora side of things will be easy though.
The 'using pandora for audio' is probably going to be a builtin feature of the bluetooth - just pair Pandora and when it asks what you want to pair it as choose "headset"... at least I hope so.
gnome phone manager looks like it might do what we need already...
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There is an application called DesktopSms for android, it says it supports GNU/Linux, MacOS and Windows.
I have never really gotten into linux more than using it to setup simple networks. So will this be compatible with the pandora?
Although it doesn't use bluetooth. It can use usb(not sure if it will work in linux cause of drivers) or wifi.
Great idea!
I hope something like this does come to Pandora.
Well, it would seem weird that you have to carry your phone+Pandora = Pandora phone.
Maybe it may be the basis for having phone func on Pandora.
I mean it may evolve to this by, sticking a USB stick to Pandora. The USB is a GSM-antenna where you plug in the SIM card!

well off to lala land! :P
Kangal said:
I mean it may evolve to this by, sticking a USB stick to Pandora. The USB is a GSM-antenna where you plug in the SIM card!

well off to lala land! :P

Gah, i thought those things existed but apparently those are just passive readers! An easier way would be a bluetooth PAN or the JoikuHotspot app (non-free for the full version, unfortunately) which uses your phone's 3G connection and turns your phone's WLAN into an access point. This will be useful since most native tethering apps are for Windows. This of course will not work on the original poster's P900 (the predecessor to my beloved P1 which i just parted with after 2 years), but will pretty much satisfy anyone with a more recent smartphone.
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There's a 'phonelink' application for the N800/N810 tablets. Something like that could presumably work on the Pandora too. All the pieces are open source I believe.
Yeah, the dream of using the Pandora to directly acess the phone net via a dongle will not be possible as long as the phone companies keep guarding their net like they are doing today. Every device wanting access will have to identify itself to be usable, and the devices in question therefore require proper licensing. I don't, however , believene that the Pandora, an open source console with a user-base of only 4000 units, will receive that form of licensing.
Our best chance seems to be to access the net indirectly via linking to a device that already meets the standards, such as an ordinary phone.
Well, in large parts of Europe there isn't any carrier-crippling of tethering, forced device registration or the like. You can basically use any computer or whatever, with any phone that you own.
Tor said:
There's a 'phonelink' application for the N800/N810 tablets. Something like that could presumably work on the Pandora too. All the pieces are open source I believe.

Tried that with 3 (mid range) phones (2 nokia's and 1 sony) never got it working... had to do something with the BT profiles of the used phones IIRC.
So it might need some more work :)
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with newer nokias you should be able to do the txt msg thing, iv got an e71 and am planning to use it as a 3g modem via 0bluetooth (connect to the net anywere without even taking phone out of my pocket.) theres a program i found the other day on sourceforge that can send and recive txt messages via bluetooth/usb on linux, windows and i think maybe osx, never actualy used it but it can store all messages in an sql lite or mysql db.

im rly hoping to be able to use my phone as a modem any time, without even touching the phone after initial setup, planning to use the pandora for work a bit as well as pleasure and being able to email rly easy (with thunderbird) with any one of my email accounts.