just wondering if the pandora would be able to have any kind of phone capabilities. mostly curious about some sort of voip service. i'm looking into getting one of those new sprint 4g wifi modems, and if i could skip the phone and just use a pandora
Maybe you find something usefulmali said:http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?/topic/49215-pandora-as-a-phone/page__p__749394
Chip said:
Alec said:*snip*
Not to be rude, but have you ever seen what a Pandora looks like? It's entirely not designed in a way that you can comfortably talk into. With OpenMoko, you can actually hold it in your hand while putting it to your face. With the Pandora, you'd look something like this:
Yoyobuae said:Nah, still don't like the idea.
I guess if you can afford a data plan with enough speed/traffic limit, if you get a good VoIP solution running (Skype port still needs to be seen) and if battery can sustain 3G/4G connectivity for as long as normal phone use requires (ie: around the clock) then it might be a good phone replacement.
That's my main problem, I can't see Pandora + 3G/4G + VoIP program as a replacement for a standard cheap cell phone. The price of data plan is too expensive and coverage will most likely be poor.
I'd rather do the otherway around, keep the cellphone (and thus the voice functions) and tether Pandora if I want mobile Internet. Then I need not have 3G/4G whilst still having voice (thus cheaper data plan).
Also what about the VoIP plan? Isn't that an extra cost on top? I don't think making calls into regular phone networks will come for free.
Exactly!!! Here the most limited data only plan costs $30/month and they start throttling down speeds after 2GB. <_<Laurencevde said:Depends on the country you live in whether or not it's attractive.