Complete GPH 4.1 Firmware Source Code Released

Senor Quack said:
We now have the Open2X kernel running on F200s, won't be long now
Wow, I'm definitely waiting to try it. Can't wait. Thanks for the hard work.
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The video app just uses the 940 driver and binary blob, to which we always had the documentation and API. nothing really interesting. (The source of the player side of the video app was released a while (>1 year) ago)
Senor Quack said:
We now have the Open2X kernel running on F200s

I ordered a cradle some days ago so I'll be able to try this (and maybe help, who knows).
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Oh well, as usual binary blob helps nothing. I'm not sure why I was expecting some kind of new commenting or something.. <_<
tmcnair said:
Anyone here know about the status of this project:

It is an effort to get the 2.6 kernel ported to gp2x. SDIO ARM support is in the 2.6 kernel now which would be quite interesting...

I'll definitively try to use linux 2.6 with my GP2X F200 when I'll receive my cradle :lol:
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I can't really think of a good reason besides updated wifi and SDIO drivers to move to 2.6.. 2.4 has better performance for single-CPU low-memory systems, I believe.

And, let's face it: there's little reason to use SDIO and wifi on a device like the GP2X that has such limited resolution. Web browsing is a pain and if you need console access for development on an F200, you can just get a cradle + serial cable. (Though cradles might be harder to come by and you'd be better off finding a nice used F100 with a busted joystick or something for development.)

It'd be a large undertaking with little reason to do it.