Compiz Or Other Fancy Window Managers?


Nov 3, 2007
We already know the Pandora will have proper window management.

But, can there be something really fancy, like Compiz? it'd be completely kickass, especially on the 800x480 screen :D

I'm concerned about the 128mb of ram, I hear modern Ubuntu systems can run compiz with 256mb..
Or maybe not? just looked on system-monitor, the compiz processes are using up only 9.2mb of ram right now :D (with just about everything enabled :D)

So, anyone willing to try and code/port it? Or is it impossible anyway?
we might be able to have a stripped down version of compiz, i think tho that the issue wouldnt be system ram, but graphic ram. if i recall correctly, compiz needs at least 32mb of vram, might have been 64...
i really dont know how the ram and graphic ram situation will work with pandora tho. plus to run compiz, you need to run xgl, x server, and probably a number of dependancies... also the install size would be quite large.
I think that Compiz will be a bit overkill for the Pandora, mainly because of screen size. If anything, I think that the effects/whatever should be built into the main menu system, something that is custom designed for the console and a small screen.
Maybe xfce's composite extensions might be worth a look. Adds nice window shadows. and transparency when moving windows.

Does the pandora even have VRAM though? I thought it shared the system ram. Which means there's no way we'll fit compiz in and still have ram free for programs to run. O.o