I didn't think it was harsh, but I have tried Python and Java and I don't really like either of them, and they aren't applicable to this specific task [Compiling for a Pentium II that has no hard drive and about 100 MB of RAM left to install anything in]
And if the Pandora can compile its own stuff anyway, I'll just do that.
But what's really starting to bother me is that NONE of my Computer Science classes have taught me how to compile anything. At all.
I took an Assembly class where we used NASM, and a few Java classes with the standard JDK, but even in my Intro. to C++ classes, we never learned how to actually compile anything. We were told, "Dev-cpp is pretty good, you should use that."
I've had 3 classes in C++ now and I don't officially know how to compile a program without an IDE helping me. I mean, I do 'know' how, but they certainly didn't tell me.
sindbad said:
You need a cross-compiler for that. Look for packages called arm-gcc or stuff like that.
I tried both "arm-gcc" and "gcc-arm" and Synaptic gave me a whole bunch of weird crap like "gcc-doc" and "gcc-4.3-source" and "gcc-avr" [close, no cigar] and "bugsquish"
Synaptic's search sucks. I'll see what Google thinks.
edit: www.gnuarm.com
Well, duh.
more edit: "On AMD64 systems GCC generates 64-bit code by default. The option -m32 allows 32-bit code to be generated instead."
... Is that seriously all I have to do? [for the Pentium II, I mean]