Commodore: The Amiga Years on Kickstarter


Certified Guru
Jan 8, 2009
Just discovered that Brian Bagnall will use Kickstarter to release the most avaited book (almost for me) Commodore: The Amiga Years.


The campaign will start on 15 Jun 2015 as announced on Facebook

NOW it's live
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Is this the long awaited follow up book to the Commodore Company on the edge one? (or do I have the wrong name completely?)
Cool, I have the first one, been wondering what had happened to this.....
Yup. It was cancelled but now its not. Company on the edge was superb. Very well written edited and researched.

Cant wait and ill back for sure.
Pledging...pledged!! God kick-starter and Amiga related stuff is hitting my wallet hard recently. The bitmaps book, the sensible software book. Bedrooms to billions the amiga years...

Hear my wallet scream!!!
I update this old thread because two reasons.
Seems that the book (more precisely the Ebook) will be released soon, and also the author need a help from german speaking person....from the kickstarter official update:

Wanted: Researcher for a Few Hours
There’s one small section remaining that needs a bit of German research (honest, just a tiny amount). I’ve been searching for a researcher for at least a month, and although there have been a few bites, nothing solid has come of it yet.

Specifically, I have sparse information about the release and reception of the original German designed A2000 (AKA A2500). This computer was not released in North America which makes it difficult for me to find information. And of course, I can’t do searches in German because I’m not a native speaker.

There were some pilot production models handed out to select dealers and developers in 1986, but mass production began in January 1987 and I suspect the actual launch occurred March 4, 1987 at CeBIT.

I need someone to research the release period in Commodore, Amiga and business trade magazine archives to find out how the A2500 was received. We’re probably talking articles appearing January through July 1987. has various German periodicals but usually not complete. The most complete one I saw was 64'er (63 in collection). There’s also some info on Data Welt on another site.

If this is something you can help with please let me know. Nothing big, just a brief summary of relevant articles and a link or the name and date of the magazine. Check the comments below to see if anyone has responded yet.