Commander Genius For Caanoo (Enhanced Keen Engine)


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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Ive updated the all of the archives for the latest source code for cgenius.
One notable feature for this update is support for streaming the hqp ogg files, which are included (all except for gp2x too slow, but ogg support is compiled in if you have to have it)
Also added support for a the caanoo.
Also includes enhanced graphics replacements and also includes keen1 and keen4 sharware data.
Keen4 work has begun you can jump and run through levels and collect items so far.

BAFelton said:
Thanx ! :D

Edit: I tried to run Keen 5 to 2000, but they don't work. Maybe they can't ?

Only 4 will run for now.

Ive updated the archive to include the ini and png's from Caanoo Italia package, needs to be approved.
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For some reason it locks up on me when i clear a level or die and have to go back to the map. The game and music files that I am using are from the dingoo version which works fine any ideas? BTW thanks for the port!

It only seems to lockup if you change the controls before starting the game or during gameplay
qbertaddict said:
For some reason it locks up on me when i clear a level or die and have to go back to the map. The game and music files that I am using are from the dingoo version which works fine any ideas? BTW thanks for the port!

It only seems to lockup if you change the controls before starting the game or during gameplay

I think the lockups occur if music is being played, just rename the music folder to something else and it wont play the music. (I included the most of up to date music in the zip, why did you replace it with what was released with dingoo?)
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Pickle said:
qbertaddict said:
For some reason it locks up on me when i clear a level or die and have to go back to the map. The game and music files that I am using are from the dingoo version which works fine any ideas? BTW thanks for the port!

It only seems to lockup if you change the controls before starting the game or during gameplay

I think the lockups occur if music is being played, just rename the music folder to something else and it wont play the music. (I included the most of up to date music in the zip, why did you replace it with what was released with dingoo?)

Well i just copied the game folder over not the music. When I started having lockups I tried just started from scratch without the extra games. It still locks up. Someone on the openhandhelds website said to do this
If this game is hanging on you try renaming 'cgenius/global/music' to 'music_off'

This worked.
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For some reason, there's a problem when I save and load games. After loading a saved game, the the screen doesn't move with the character any more and it is unplayable. :(

I'm using the Caanoo version.
mike909 said:
Is anyone else having this problem?? :(

Yes I had the same problem. I let Pickle know about it but I don't expect he looked at it yet. It seems to be particular to the CAANOO port, which is buildable from clonekeenplus git so if anyone else wants to try and correct it that should be possible.
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phungp said:
mike909 said:
Is anyone else having this problem?? :(

Yes I had the same problem. I let Pickle know about it but I don't expect he looked at it yet. It seems to be particular to the CAANOO port, which is buildable from clonekeenplus git so if anyone else wants to try and correct it that should be possible.
This also happens on my GP2X F200 version. Just found that out today. Also have some other issues (20 pix cut off). I'll use .996 until the bugs in this get fixed. Hope he has the time.
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