Caanoo / WIZ Clutter Library For The Wiz ?


Dec 28, 2005
Is anyone able and willing to compile the clutter toolkit with opengles for the Wiz ?

It would be great to use it for some good looking animated graphical user interfaces.
from what i've seen it should be possible - as there's a native egl backend available. i don't know if i get the time, but i'll try to find some free minutes and give it a try - because it really looks useful :)
wow that lib has lots of dependencies - at the first glance i thought it only has dependency to opengl :blink:
so this is not a quick port - it may take a while, but at least i'm trying it... and normally i don't give up if i see light at the end of the tunnel ;)
i hate cross compilation ... i'm stuck at the moment with building gettext lib using the openwiz toolchain. it configure's fine but make just exits with error[1] or something like that. <_<
one step further, another error ... 'rpl_unsetenv' not found while linking the test apps ... really frustrating <_<

if anyone got gettext cross-compiled i'd be glad for some hints+tips! :)
ok i got the gettext-runtime compiled now, the tools still wont compile but i dont care because they're not needed anyway ... and also i made another step forward, glib (another dependency) seems to have compiled now, too .... ufftsa. i take tiny steps ... but there's still progress, so i dont give up. yet. :)
Hey crow_riot,

really nice progress. Thank you very much for all your hard work
and for your status updates, I really appreciate it.
scachi said:
Hey crow_riot,

really nice progress. Thank you very much for all your hard work
and for your status updates, I really appreciate it.

you're welcome. it's some nice distraction ...

just that u know, i'm using the openwiz linux toolchain... i never installed one of the official ones, they just came out too late for me :) but i think if it runs with the openwiz one, it shouldnt be much hassle to get it working with others
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seems that everything is compiled now! B)

i dont know yet if they work, but at least compilation worked with the native gles backend - i cannot start with making final tests before next week, cause i'm off for a festival from tomorrow on. but maybe the weekend after this one i'll have something for you ready!

one thing that is still missing is libts support - i've already compiled a version for the wiz quite a time ago, so integrating this will not be a problem...

stay tuned ;)
so just a tiny update here. clutter basically initializes on the wiz using it's GLES backend. but it crashes with a segmentation fault when using g_signal_emit from glib. i have not clue why this happenes, but i'll continue to track it down. maybe it's just some memory alignment issue or whatever. we'll see ... :)
i finally got clutter run, no crash anymore. my simplest app works now (gray clearscreen) ...

the problem was/is that default texture setup doesnt work. i have not tried to create any other texture yet, but that shouldnt be too difficult to fix.

but the next issue is evolving... the touchscreen doesn't initialize correctly! omg this is so PITA! 'couldnt load module pthres' ... whatever... <_<

the story continues...


if anyone knows how to overcome the above error let me know pls. i've compiled tslib from the latest sources, may this be a problem?


solved. linked to the wiz's libts.
Hi crow_riot

What is the status of this project? Any change you could upload to the archives? Have you managed/tried to compile this for the Caanoo as well? I am working on a new menu system myself, so this would be quite nice, if it is manageable.

oh well, it's on the same status as in june. seems scachi lost interest and so did i. but if you need it, i can pick it up and do the last fixes. the only thing that was not working was textures
What version is it?

I don't want you to start working on it only for me. I don't want to be a burden :) Especially when it comes to the Caanoo, it only gets the time i have left over from the week, so it could take long before i can show anything. But could you try to see if it is a quick recompile to get it running on the Caanoo?

Anyway, I will try clutter on my pc first, so i can tell you if it is worth pursuing, and if i get anything i am happy with, i will let you know :) We also still have not found a way around gph's unwritable nand, so a new menu still cannot be installed. Lets hope pickle can talk some sense into them.
