Thanks for the email. Realistically speaking it would be difficult to
justify development for a brand new platform that doesn't have a large
install-base of gamers. This isn't remotely an attack on the Pandora - it
looks like a good product and it's certainly powerful enough (from the
specifications) for running high-quality games.
But as an independent developer I need to be really careful as to which
platforms we develop on. We're self-funded, so that means we presently have
to look at platforms that have large existing install-bases of potential
customers versus future platforms.
I'm still very much hoping to finish Galaxy's End someday (a ridiculous
amount of work went into it), but it's likely if we do get the opportunity
to finish the game then Galaxy's End would still be for the PSP.
Sorry if this isn't what you want to hear but I hope you understand. Have a
good week.
Kevin McCann
President / Tiki Games, Inc.
A red reply, though understandable, of course.
Oh well, they did give me good news, though. I might one day see Galaxy's End released for my PSP.