

Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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This has been in the works for a while now and releasing this is bit more personal as I have been more involved in the improving clonekeenplus aside from supporting just the porting.
Finally keen is runs at 60 fps :-) Ive also included the free shareware episode 1. This wiz version supports the ogg sound effect (lookup hqp), but the music does not work (too much memory).

Wiz: http://dl.openhandhe...i?0,0,0,0,35,55

Also if anyone missed it theres a new version of openjazz for the wiz and gp2x

wiz: http://dl.openhandhe...?0,0,0,0,35,128
gp2x: http://dl.openhandhe...0,0,0,0,20,1195

On a side note ckp is working on the gp2x, although has some graphical corruption at the moment.

Update: gp2x is working correctly with 32 bpp
Nice ^^

Supported only the episode 1 or all episode ?

need the original .CK* data files to work ?

Thanks :)
Badboyluc said:
Nice ^^

Supported only the episode 1 or all episode ?

need the original .CK* data files to work ?

Thanks :)

Sure it supports episodes 1-3 (and actually work has begun to support 4+ ;-) )
Yep setup the ck* files like episode 1
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I'm testing a bunch of the mods on the F200 version and it seems to hold up well. Hated to dump clonekeen2x but it's worth it for the mods and 4+ in the future on this. Begs the question, of course, when will we see a new release?
bman said:
I'm testing a bunch of the mods on the F200 version and it seems to hold up well. Hated to dump clonekeen2x but it's worth it for the mods and 4+ in the future on this. Begs the question, of course, when will we see a new release?

Yeah there has been some work for mods, I mean to release the latest builds soon.
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I have not noticed any glitches in the ones that I have played so far. Some others won't start, says unsupported parm in patch file. Probably fixed in next versions.

These are running with a few levels tested: dttv1/2/3, halloween, KeenX, KeenY, KeenZ, lego, perilous pursuit, shikadi1/2/3, silcar1/2/3/4, unseen

BTW, too much writing going on with the log.html file. Option to turn off? (-nolog) :) Also too much writing for individual sound files in ./Com*/game/[gamename]/sounds.ckX so I put them in ./data