GP32 Clock Speed Settings


Certified Guru
Hiya, i couldn't find PLLSET for windows so could anybody tell me the GpClockSpeedChange settings for the overclock speeds?

the ones i know are..

GpClockSpeedChange(132000000, 0x24001, 2);
GpClockSpeedChange(120000000, 0x34011, 1);

ideally im looking for the 156 clockspeed setting as thats the highest setting that everybody can achieve isnt it?

thanks in advance

I think you have to use : 'pllset.exe'
you have to give for eg 133000000 for 133MHz and this prog will give all the infos you need

btw : 156 is reachable by most of GP32 but you should make somethink like a selector : 133 144 156 166...
keep that great work up :)

see you :lol:
    GpClockSpeedChange (99000000, 0x3a021, 2);
    GpClockSpeedChange (132000000, 0x24001, 2);
    GpClockSpeedChange (144000000, 0x28001, 2);
    GpClockSpeedChange (150000000, 0x2a001, 2);
    GpClockSpeedChange (156000000, 0x2c001, 2);
    GpClockSpeedChange (166000000, 0x4b011, 2);

Not everyone can do 156MHz, in fact I've heard of people that can't go above 132MHz. Also, there are people that just don't care to overclock so it's always good to offer the 132MHz option.
I saw this in Mr Mirkos SDK.

// This file is written/copyright 2004 Mirko Roller

void gp_SetCpuSpeed(int freq) {

  switch (freq) {
     case 166: { cpu_speed(166000000,0x4b011,3 );               busclk=166000000/3; break;}
     case 160: { cpu_speed(160000000,0x48011,3 );               busclk=160000000/3; break;}
     case 156: { cpu_speed(156000000, 0x2c001,3 );              busclk=156000000/3; break;}
     case 144: { cpu_speed(144000000, 0x28001,3 );              busclk=144000000/3; break;}
     case 132: { cpu_speed(132000000, 0x3a011,3 );              busclk=132000000/3; break;}
     case 133: { cpu_speed(133500000, (81<<12) | (2<<4) | 1, 2);busclk=133500000/2; break;}
     case 100: { cpu_speed(102000000, (43<<12) | (1<<4) | 1, 2);busclk=102000000/2; break;}
     case  66: { cpu_speed( 67500000, (37<<12) | (0<<4) | 2, 2);busclk= 67500000/2; break;}
     case  40: { cpu_speed( 40000000, 0x48013, 0 );             busclk= 40000000 ; break;}
     case  33: { cpu_speed( 33750000, (37<<12) | (0<<4) | 3, 2);busclk= 33750000/2; break;}
You can get pllset.exe from Samsung Semiconductors. That's the S3C2410 version, I'm not sure that it's the same as the S3C2400 version so try it with a few values and make sure you get the same answers!

For help using pllset, look to this thread.
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