Chrono Trigger Questions


Still Fresh
Mar 21, 2007
Hi all, I am playing chrono trigger after reading all the recommendations on the forum but am having problems with the dragon tank? i think i would find it easier if i ws able to use tonics to heal outside of battle. Is this possible? either that or any advice would be REALLY useful!

Cheers guys. :blink:
use a shelter if you can't use a tonic, but i thought you could use tonics from the menu? i dunno it's been a while. definitely kill the head first.

if you wait the three days instead of breaking out of the cell, you can go through the dungeon with lucca and get her exp up.
rokdcasbah said:
use a shelter if you can't use a tonic, but i thought you could use tonics from the menu? i dunno it's been a while. definitely kill the head first.

if you wait the three days instead of breaking out of the cell, you can go through the dungeon with lucca and get her exp up.
I just beat the Ocean Palace and I'm doing all the little side quests before bringing "you know who" back to life (don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't gone through the game yet!). I beat it ages ago on SNES, but this time I want to attempt to go through on New Game + and get all the endings.
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Defidently attack the head first.. I stuck on that triple-like boss in the future tough...
morrissey2k7 said:
rokdcasbah said:
use a shelter if you can't use a tonic, but i thought you could use tonics from the menu? i dunno it's been a while. definitely kill the head first.

if you wait the three days instead of breaking out of the cell, you can go through the dungeon with lucca and get her exp up.
I just beat the Ocean Palace and I'm doing all the little side quests before bringing "you know who" back to life (don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't gone through the game yet!). I beat it ages ago on SNES, but this time I want to attempt to go through on New Game + and get all the endings.

aeris? :P
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you can beat the dragon tank with only Chrono alive... you simply need to have tonics and mid tonics available which you should have at that point in the game... any time Chrono gets to a point where he has around 25-30 hp left tonic him instead of attacking.... it'll be slow going but you will eventually kill the head then the rest is easy street.
From memory the trick with the dragon tank is to make sure you have flame cyclone dual tech for Chrono/Lucca. I can't remember if it dies after two or after five of them, but it doesn't take long.

That said, I do remember having serious trouble with it the first time I played the game...