Chess2x V0.3 Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
ParkyDr released a new version of his Chess game (using gnuchess ( as engine)


Version 0.3
1) Take back move
2) Display difference of taken pieces
3) Force computer to move
4) Hint option
5) Sound implementation (move sound, take-piece sound)
6) Added Ghanji's skin pack

Download: Chess2x v0.3
Thank you. Really cool.

I wish you could add some 3D touch to the board. That would be awesome!
Fargo posted on Dec 16 2006 at 06:44 AM said:
Thank you. Really cool.

I wish you could add some 3D touch to the board. That would be awesome!

Might be possible, I've put a screenshot from PouetChess on my GP2X and the pieces at the back aren't too small, like I thought they would be.

It uses OpenGL, which isn't very usable on the GP2X, especially if I want any processing left for the chess engine. I'll have a look at some sort of isometric view though.

(Edit: spelling)
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thanks parky for the update!
I think this release would be worth to be called a v1.0 rather then v0.3 :D
btw. are command line options from eg. gmenu2x supported? I ask because I would like to try different opening books or hashsizes to improve strength. (what is the current hashsize btw?, could´t find it in chesscommon.h)
espacially the hashtable size is most important and should be as large as possible (depending on free ram of the gp2x).
Well, besides that, I don´t really know what is left to improve :rolleyes:
maybe a stronger engine like crafty B)
just kidding,
good work parky,
There are no command line options at the moment but I could add them. The hashsize is just the default 1024 slots (I think).

As a work round you could rename gnuchess and make a script called gnuchess that runs the real gnuchess with options.

I did start with crafty but I had problems building it so I used gnuchess which builds "out of the box".

Oh well, I'd say I'd got a few suggestions for 0.4 (or 1.0 even)
hi parky,
I did some tests with different hashtable sizes,
the default value seems to be 1024 like you said.
The engine seems to run stable with 8192 :)
although just to make sure 4096 should be ok as well. Don´t know if gnuchess uses the hashtable by default, setting "hash" to "on" seems to do the job.
The engine also seems to support the "hard" param, which enables calculation during opponent time, should be set to on as well. Unfortunately I don´t know with wich parameters you start up the engine, so I can´t really compare, but increasing the hash table size should boost both performance and strength a lot ;)
Yes the hash size is 1024, I think it might go a bit higher than 8192, but gnuchess uses quite a lot of memory already (there's only about 700K left).

I think the hard option is on by default, gnuchess still uses 60% of the CPU on my move.

I don't set any options except the level.

I couldn't find a command line option to add books, I think I'll have to add a menu with file selector. As far as I can tell, all books are added into book.dat.