GP32 Chess game


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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I am making a chess game for the GP32 (I think I'll release a beta soon, incl. a VERY lousy-looking chess board). What I want is someone who can program the graphics for me and make them look good. Not 100% sure that I will need anyone, but tell me if you might want to help :)
Zider posted on Aug 6 2003 said:
Oh another chess game.. I bet it'll be finished way before mine, since I'm totally stuck.. :>
You are doing one, too? What is the problem, cuz I have a problem now, too but it might not be as bad as yours :)

EDIT: Evil Cartman: Actually I think that you could do the GFX for me, because I have suddenly gotten brave and I fell like programming the GFX myself :P What I need is:
8-bit 30x30px w/ the same trans color for all
8-bit 240x240 chessboard (with 30x30 squares)

I'm not 100% sure that I'll use them, but I prolly will :)
Oh, my e-mail is
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My problem is that I can't code C++. I have to look up every other line on the net, and not everything is satisfactory documented, like how to read in a gfx file so I can display it.. And how do you implement the AI? I'm NOT gonna sit down and code that whole part, but there doesn't seem to be any "chess engine" that can be easily ported (easily for me anyway).

Other than that, I know exactly how I want it to be when it's finished.. :>

If you're interested you're welcome to help yourself to my chess source code at

It doesn't play a very good game and it's memory requirements make it out of the reach of the GP32 (more because it's not cleverly written.. not that the GP32 hasn't got enough).. but if you wanted something simple to look at ...

The AI isn't as complicated as you'd think.
I just thought I would offer my services. I am a GFX artist, mainly 3D graphics but also some pixelpainting. Just tell me if you need anything, sprites, backgrounds, intro screens or whatever. :)
rcx21000 posted on Aug 6 2003 said:
EDIT: Evil Cartman: Actually I think that you could do the GFX for me, because I have suddenly gotten brave and I fell like programming the GFX myself :P
Hey, if you're still looking for help, I'd be willing to do some of the coding work. I'll be getting my GP32 next week (probably wednesday or thursday), and I'll be hoping right into the coding directly after that.

From the docs I've read, it looks like you just have a double buffered screen buffer, and you write pixels directly to it, so it doesn't seem like hard programming... mostly you'll need to decide what you want it to do graphically, with regards to animations and effects, and then code a little engine to handle it.

Anyway, yeah, let me know if you still want some help or if you've decided to write the whole thing yourself.
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animator75 posted on Aug 7 2003 said:
I just thought I would offer my services. I am a GFX artist, mainly 3D graphics but also some pixelpainting. Just tell me if you need anything, sprites, backgrounds, intro screens or whatever. :)
You can do it too. The more GFX sets I have the better (I can be skinnable). If you want to do it, I need exactly what I told evil cartman I need. 3d chess pieces would be cool, but it needs to be a top down view, cuz the programming for putting them in a 3d enviroment would be 2 hard.
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I will send you some stuff later today. By the way, you said "top down" view, but I guess you dont mean a top down view on the chess pieces coz they would probably be hard to identify then. I have rendered the board topview and the pieces sideview.