187 € from LS is without Tax and Duties.
BTW, if you order vom Craig, it is around 240 € aswell when shipping
to Germany.
If you are lucky, you won't have to pay tax or duties, it's quite random.
On the other hand, buying from a smaller shops enables you to get
MultiFW already or stuff like that.
got my FLU from gbax.com and it'll run at 166mhz on all the emu's i've tried... guess i was lucky... i think its really just pot luck, but I wouldn't personally pay an extra £20 to make sure it was 166mhz... bugger that for the price of fish, FLU's are already expensive enough compared with normal GP32's if i was gonna get one that was clocked to 166mhz it'd be a non-flu
Craig, I guess it means you try a few gp32s until you find one that works at 166Mhz. How many % would you say are capable of running 166? I guess it also means that when you buy an ordinary gp32 from you, the chance of getting one with 166 is less, since some of them have already been filtered out.
i don't remember who i got my gp32 from but its a non-flu, it runs everything at 156mhz and a few things at 166mhz, is it really a big deal over 10mhz? If my gp can run 156mhz, I can't see 166mhz really being that big of a difference in speed.
Depending on demand the price may alter, I don't know how its going to go yet.
We cannot mod other peoples GP32's HOWEVER if someone on here is prepared to mod GP32's we can send the business your way free of charge if you are prepared to take the risk.
this german shop sound intresting.. since mine gp32 only runs about 20 min on 150
hmm but is it worth to spen 30€ for it...
would be cool to see more shops to do those mods (also the ram)...
Do these 166mhz gp32 have the potential to OC higher or what? Did you just see if they could OC to 166 and then stop or did you go higher to see if they can go to 172?
Could you try adding the price of all your GP32 products in American dollars underneath the price in pounds like you have done so for the GP32 and the GP32 FLU? Also, what's the brand and model of your Smartmedia Reader/Writer? Could you try to put up a picture of the reader/writer? Thanks.