Alpha2 posted on Mar 6 2004 at 06:38 PM said:
First - ThndrShk2k The "dumbass" comment? completly uncalled for and destroys attempts to have a rational conversation, name calling benefits NO ONE.
lol it benifitted me at the momentt. but i retract it
Second - What I was saying was that buying the GP wouldn't help them. They gave up hardware because they were being beat in the technology department. The PS2 came along and many Japanese consumers said "Why by a DC when I can get something which appears to be more advanced and has more features." This is not a theory, it's fact. If Sega had continued to support it at full strength they;d simply be throwing money down a hole. This isnt to say it was a bad system, Sega just didnt know how to get people to buy it. While there's still a very good underground following for the DC and they still throw them a bone now and then (like the occasional VMU *visual memory unit* games) but the homebrew scene isnt going to save it.
Yes, the PS2 seemed for advanced, but more features? duno about that. Actually comparitivly the only system that beat DC gfx was the GC, due to PS2 using Realtime media *or somtin* that takes a shitload of space to due shit and stuff, the DC and GC have similar 3d infrostuctures... or what not... bah all i know is DC was good and the GC is better, the PS2 beat the DC due to the shear fact that it was backwards compatable and more popular

. The DC was making sega lose money per system built, like the XBOX, and sega doesn't have as much money as Microsoft to afford to lose that much.
The handheld market they gave up so long ago has a gap in it, Sony sees this, Nintendo wants to make another market, but Nintendo may fail with the DS bullshit
Anyway, Sega's still making bad choices, Early on they claimed loadly that they'd make it their "mission to make the Xbox number one." and by doing that they put too much effort behind a machine that was destined to be number two to the machine that killed their DC. Panzer Dragoon on PS2 would have been an instant hit instead what did they make? Rez (not a bad game but it has no following). They spread themselves thin trying to give everyone a hit instead of choosing the system in first place at the time to back and ride it's popularity. They lost focus, lost their pace and that's why Sammy bought a chunk of them.
I duno when Sega said that, but ok then

... wasn't REZ released for the DC too?
XBox can never be #1, they spent too much money and microsoft is loosing it per every system bought. Plus there is some hate towards microsoft among some gamers. Although with some titles like the sega ones, people will buy it. Plus flat rate on Live and sports games, it will attract new gamers and such...
anf F-Zero was with sega? wow *i'm not up to date with as much as i thought