Gp32 Stock

to say "out of stock" is just to sell more gp32
but it's wrong
liksang has gp32 flu and basic.
First - ThndrShk2k The "dumbass" comment? completly uncalled for and destroys attempts to have a rational conversation, name calling benefits NO ONE.

Second - What I was saying was that buying the GP wouldn't help them. They gave up hardware because they were being beat in the technology department. The PS2 came along and many Japanese consumers said "Why by a DC when I can get something which appears to be more advanced and has more features." This is not a theory, it's fact. If Sega had continued to support it at full strength they;d simply be throwing money down a hole. This isnt to say it was a bad system, Sega just didnt know how to get people to buy it. While there's still a very good underground following for the DC and they still throw them a bone now and then (like the occasional VMU *visual memory unit* games) but the homebrew scene isnt going to save it.

Anyway, Sega's still making bad choices, Early on they claimed loadly that they'd make it their "mission to make the Xbox number one." and by doing that they put too much effort behind a machine that was destined to be number two to the machine that killed their DC. Panzer Dragoon on PS2 would have been an instant hit instead what did they make? Rez (not a bad game but it has no following). They spread themselves thin trying to give everyone a hit instead of choosing the system in first place at the time to back and ride it's popularity. They lost focus, lost their pace and that's why Sammy bought a chunk of them.
I think Sega's move to quit making the DC was a very smart move, although it sucked for us DC owners (DC is an awesome system). Sega released their "next gen" console to early (but since Saturn was a failure (I dont know why) they had to put SOMETHING out), and the PS2, Xbox, and GC were just released, it would be stupid and very costly to try and compete, they figured, and rightly so, that they could make more money just being a software developer for all three, rather than try and be the competition (and who needs a 4th next gen system anyway?).

The fact that their games could now be copied and played WITHOUT a modchip or boot disk, was probably the straw that broke the camels back.

Sega wont do hardware again, no one would "trust" them so to speak, they would always wonder when sega's gonna stop this console too, not secure enough.

I think that GP should do, well, exactally what they have planned. Market it to more of the world, slowly gaining popularity and games. I dont want GP to go mainstream, part of the "alure" of GP is its non-mainstream communities.
This is a side note, but F Zero GX on Gamecube was the perfect partnership between the old enemies - Nintendo and Sega. If there was more like this (partnerships) then both could come out very successful and knock Sony and Microsoft into touch.
Alpha2 posted on Mar 6 2004 at 06:38 PM said:
First - ThndrShk2k The "dumbass" comment? completly uncalled for and destroys attempts to have a rational conversation, name calling benefits NO ONE.
lol it benifitted me at the momentt. but i retract it :D

Second - What I was saying was that buying the GP wouldn't help them. They gave up hardware because they were being beat in the technology department. The PS2 came along and many Japanese consumers said "Why by a DC when I can get something which appears to be more advanced and has more features." This is not a theory, it's fact. If Sega had continued to support it at full strength they;d simply be throwing money down a hole. This isnt to say it was a bad system, Sega just didnt know how to get people to buy it. While there's still a very good underground following for the DC and they still throw them a bone now and then (like the occasional VMU *visual memory unit* games) but the homebrew scene isnt going to save it.
Yes, the PS2 seemed for advanced, but more features? duno about that. Actually comparitivly the only system that beat DC gfx was the GC, due to PS2 using Realtime media *or somtin* that takes a shitload of space to due shit and stuff, the DC and GC have similar 3d infrostuctures... or what not... bah all i know is DC was good and the GC is better, the PS2 beat the DC due to the shear fact that it was backwards compatable and more popular :D. The DC was making sega lose money per system built, like the XBOX, and sega doesn't have as much money as Microsoft to afford to lose that much.
The handheld market they gave up so long ago has a gap in it, Sony sees this, Nintendo wants to make another market, but Nintendo may fail with the DS bullshit

Anyway, Sega's still making bad choices, Early on they claimed loadly that they'd make it their "mission to make the Xbox number one." and by doing that they put too much effort behind a machine that was destined to be number two to the machine that killed their DC. Panzer Dragoon on PS2 would have been an instant hit instead what did they make? Rez (not a bad game but it has no following). They spread themselves thin trying to give everyone a hit instead of choosing the system in first place at the time to back and ride it's popularity. They lost focus, lost their pace and that's why Sammy bought a chunk of them.
I duno when Sega said that, but ok then :D... wasn't REZ released for the DC too?
XBox can never be #1, they spent too much money and microsoft is loosing it per every system bought. Plus there is some hate towards microsoft among some gamers. Although with some titles like the sega ones, people will buy it. Plus flat rate on Live and sports games, it will attract new gamers and such...

anf F-Zero was with sega? wow *i'm not up to date with as much as i thought
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The comment about backing xbx was said a while back in an article around the time they chose to make Shemue2 exclusive to them. Rez was indeed DC first (even came with a special wearable vibreater pack) but it came shortly before the DC "died" and sega wrestled with the idea of porting it to PS2 and finally did when they decided that their PS2 line up would consist mostly of "risky" or to use their words "innovative" games as opposed to classics which became reserved for Xbx and "youthful" games that they gave to GC like Sonic and Billy Hatcher.

The DC was behind in features if you look at it. No backwards compatability, roughtly the same controller, no dvd player(the ps2 was responsible for a huge rise in DVD sales in japan). The only thing the DC had over it was the 56k modem and 4 controller ports, both of these things weren't immediatly useful for the first few months. And all consoles are money losers for the first 2 years because the companies want to get them in peoples houses so they take the hit for a lower price point. Sega couldnt keep the DC around long enough and not enough people are buying the Xbx to make it profitable to M$ but like you said they have enough money to buy their way into the industry.

As for F-zero It was designed by sega for nintendo in a deal that brought Sega Nintendo and Namco together in a production deal to form something calle the "Tri-Force" (a play on name of the goal from nintendo's zelda games). This deal resulted in things like Link(Nintendo) and Spawn(licenced by Sega) in SoulCalibur2(namco), Sega's F-zero arcade machine, and Namco working on the next Starfox for the GC.

...I have too much time on my hands reading game sites. :lol:
it actualy doesn't matter if everyone bought the xbox or DC back in the day. THey cost too much money to build the system

and all you need is the modchip to play the PAL Shenmue 2 on for DC
Shenmue 3 on the other hand, i duno when it will be released, or if it will ever in america, due to the , well, not popularity of it *although recently i like to play shenmue sometime again*
Azure posted on Mar 7 2004 at 05:56 AM said:
Could we please get back to the topic?
Not much of a topic to get back on, everything has been pretty much said. craig says gamepark said they had no more units. other stores still have plenty of stock, everyone would hate it if GP closed their doors, most think its a stockpile for euro launch. Not much more to discuss.

It soothes peoples mind about the lack of stock, to go off on a tangent like this, giving them something else to think about, hope for the future. :)
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craigix, you said the _exact_ same thing in november, yet it wasn't true. So why should you be believed now?
pip posted on Mar 7 2004 at 10:16 AM said:
craigix, you said the _exact_ same thing in november, yet it wasn't true. So why should you be believed now?
I was about to say the same thing... We are in March, and the GP32 is still avaible.

(About the 150.000 number, it was a typo, we had to read 15.000)
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or maybe it was 15 :P

well anyways, here is an email that i received that hopefully might clear some stuff up about the out of stok problem.

[[Hi Frank,

We should have enough to last for approximately 10 days. If you order today (it's Sunday 8.30am) with UPS Shipping it will be processed tomorrow and depending on where you are in the States it will arrive Tuesday/Wednesday.


she said 10 days and i would beleive craig. i doubt that it is just a marketing ploy, ya know makin people think that there arent anymore and the only chance you have to get one is buy one now. mainly because alot of places are out of stock. the only places i have seen that have stock are gbax and redoctane. i havent checked entware. but almost every place is out of stock. i doubt he would be lying. i mean it isnt going to push sales up alot.
I believe craig, I'm sure current gp32 stocks wont last for 1 maybe 2 month. And I think a second-hand gp32 is not a good idea because of screen scratches. Every gp32 suffer scratches on its screen.

and the sells ~25000 is more than my estimation. I thought it was about 10000...

I hope euro launch will become real soon and I hope current shortage will not pump the prices up.
ralp99 posted on Mar 5 2004 at 01:35 PM said:
how many sales shipped to america, do you figure?? just curious..
I've got one in Sunny California. B)


I swear, I'm the only one I know of who has one in the whole freakin state. Now I am going to Ohio for 5 years, and will be nearly the olny one there with a PC. some states around this country are very backwards.
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I play halo online with my xbox sometimes using XBconnect... the program works across the world, but it seems like everyone there is from Ohio :lol:
pallendo posted on Mar 9 2004 at 06:39 AM said:
I swear, I'm the only one I know of who has one in the whole freakin state. Now I am going to Ohio for 5 years, and will be nearly the olny one there with a PC. some states around this country are very backwards.
I very much doubt it is that rare. I have internet friends who have it, even though I have never spoken about my gp32 with them they still bought one. I have also seen people on the street with a gp32 :)
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I had a stranger, ask me where he could get one while I was getting on the train the other day - he was like "wow man" .... I was playing Giana's Return at the time...