

Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
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Hey anyone know where to get the gp32 charger for cheap?

Hey another question, you know the 15 minute charge rayovak batteries, would that screw up the gp32 or not.

Btw: I hate pepsi and apple "computers".
there's a GP32 charger? :huh: You mean a battery charger, right? Sorry, I don't know. Just pick one up at wal-mart or something.

I dont see why any type of AA batteries would screw up your GP32.

And BTW since you were asking before, I sent my GP32 to Mashmods and they fixed it and installed a glass screen in it, I should get it back tomorrow, so I think it's safe for you to send it in if you need to.
So i called radio shack and asked them if they carried adaptors, and he asked me if itw as a positive or negative charge, or sometin with positive or negative, anybody no what he meant?

Btw: I hate pepsi and apple "computers"
Jr2swiss posted on Mar 18 2004 at 12:35 AM said:
When you get it back, tell me wat you think about the service, and did you get anything else done besides the glass switch?
yeah it was broken. The thing would only accept DC power. He said he worked on it for a while and found out that it was a continutiy problem in the DC adapter jack that prevented it from switching back to battery
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No, with the tracking number Gregor (Mash) sent me first he forgot to tell me the postal service he was using, so I had no idea where my package was. Got a little nervous there, heh. but he told me today that he used Canada Express, and I tracked it myself and found out that it's supposed to come tomorrow. I'll tell you what happens with it
Jr2swiss: the GP32 requires a CENTRE NEGATIVE 3v REGULATED DC power supply. Unregulated ones will work, but they can damage your Gp32.
Nope, there are no rechargeable batteries that will break your gp32, well unless you try to plug it in to a car battery :D

I made my charger, well it was a regulated power source, but it does the trick, all I needed was:

25 volt 2amp transformer
5 10k PCB pots
100volt 4amp Full wave bridge
a fuse holder
6 postition rotary switch
DPST switch
1k ohm 1/2 watt resistor
470 oh 1/2 resistor
binding posts
2200 uF 50 volt electrolytic capacitor
IC voltage regulator
and a metal box :D

the pieces pretty much put theirselves together, and it takes no time at all
Okay, I got it back and it works again. I would reccomend them (MashMods). The only thing I noticed with the glass screen is that he left a small pry mark on the top, but you only notice it if you look really hard. The glass screen is WAY clearer/more durable, and there is really no more glare problem than the original screen. It's just the glare isn't purple
I c, alright its done, i'll send it in when they do the ocing mod. thx.
O. and how long did it take and where u live.

Btw: I hate pepsi and apple "computers".
I cut up and altered a GBA charger to fit the GP32's battery slot and it did work, but I didn't run it for very long incase of damage.

I could leave it running and see what happens i suppose since they cost about $3 it might be worth it.
