Mashmods Screen


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
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Hey has anyone installed their glass screen from, cause when i installed it, the light doesnt work, it is really dark and you cant see anything if u have no lights on. this may b confusing so i summurize

When i installed the glass screen from mashmods, the gp32 light doesnt work, its very dark, the only way i can see is when i get near a light souce, any help?

Btw: I hate pepsi and apple "computers".
First I would pull the GP32 apart, Check the Black and Red wires that connect to the FLU switch.

If they are still properly connected, then turn the GP32 on, and check to see if you are getting juice to the switch (put a test lead on the red wire the goes to the switch) make sure you have your ground test lead connected to a valid ground.

If you are getting juice to the switch and your ground is good, then you either have a faulty switch or a busted FLU.

I havent really looked at my GP32 opened so I dont really know how the switch functions or anything else, but checking for power and proper connections on the wires is a common step for all electronics, so I would attempt that first. It could be as simple as you pulled a wire loose when you installed the screen.
I no the light works, i see it, but its not working correctly, its more so reflecting off the screen, let me rephrase

The light is on but its being reflected from the screen or sometin like that leaving it dark.

Btw: I hate pepsi and apple "computers".
aehm i hope you only have removd the upper screen,
the 2nd plastic is for lighting the screen und you schloudnt remove it
Lol yea, i tried to make a signature, but it says i need sometin to host it, so until i figure out how to that that, i will have to type it out. so anyhow any help witht he screen?

Btw: I hate pepsi and apple "computers".
did he put the screen in upside down because they might have an anti-reflective film on it like the regular plastic factory one

btw pepsi isn't that bad but coke still pwns it