Changing my os to mr spivs multi firmware


GP Guru Wannabe
Mar 8, 2003
With the firmware do i still need a freelauncher if it doesnt then im gonna take the plunge :eek: but how do i go about flashing it because i cant find a quide on doing this and id be greatfull if someone could tell me how to do it or if they could point me in the direction of a guide :D
With Spiv's mutlifirmware, if you wish to run the original GamePark firmware as your default one, then yes you need freelauncher
But his MultiFirmware also comes with Pacrom and Wind-Ups, in which is no need for freelauncher
Except there are some programs that won't start under Pacrom, meanig you still have to have Free Launcher for these few programs.

I use Pacrom and the only program I've found to not work is GPCinama and that doesn't need free launcher, you only need to boot to the original f/w. So which other programs don't work under Pacrom?
Thanks lads ive been wanting to do it for a while but not being able to get my freelauncher to work has given me a the reason i was needing but HOW DO I DO IT ;) i cant find a guide and there isnt a read me with the download ive tried installing but that didnt work ive tried all the options in the pc link software but they didnt do anything where am i going wrong i know its probably the most obvious thing in the world but i just cant fathom it :lol:
Found a guide and i think that i still need a freelauncher to run the flashing program please tell me im wrong because my freelauncher wont work and the gamepark sites shite and wont let me download another one :angry:
Yup, you need freelauncher to flash your bios UNLESS you are suitably equipped with a flashing tool. Mr. Spiv can help here, as he can flash GP32s without freelauncher installer. In fact, he can even flash them if you tried to flash it yourself, and made a dogs dinner of it :)

I don't know if Mr Spiv is still doing this service, but it may be a good idea to PM him to see if he is.

Note that this should be considered a last resort, and no, no one can give you the software to do it yourself. It consists of a lead that plugs into the bottom of your GP32, and PC software.