Changes To Gpx2?


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Nov 21, 2005
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I bought my GP2X when they first came out, and had the typical problems that everyone had (dpad problems, screen problems, firmware updaing problems and so on :)).

Have they updated the hardware and fixed any of the issues? I noticed that appear to have different joysticks to (or at least in the website pics).

Sorry if this has come up before, ive searched though and havent found anything.

Yes, the stick has been rotated so it no longer has a diagonal bias, and a new cap. Overall much better.

Screen is greatly improved (no flickering/scanlines, brighter, better colors) except the viewing angle (can't tilt it too far for the best picture).

Latest firmware is great and updates are simple now.
Thanks, thats good to know!

So worth the update you'd say?

Any idea if the consoles supplied by and are different?
Framerate posted on Dec 3 2006 at 08:02 PM said:
Thanks, thats good to know!

So worth the update you'd say?

Any idea if the consoles supplied by and are different?
Same. All new GP2X units will be the improved versions (they're called MK2--the original GP2Xs being MK1).
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Hi there I got the MK1 version of the GP2X console. My question Is should I stick with the normal one I got now the MK1 version? Or should I get the MK2 version? Or I am just wasting my money getting a new one? I would like some good advice thanks.
in general - mk1 had better OC and some peoples actually likes their scanlines screen.
mk2 has some improvements - screen, joypad, no more falling headphone jack port, and built in screen cover. But worse OC overall.
If you want to change try first sell mk1 and later buy mk2. I've got mk2 from beginning so cant honestly compare two.
Did they ever fix the screen problems in MK1 bios? The scanlines are fine (perfect for emulation) but the flickering and curved distortion lines aren't!
I have no filckering, just scanlines. I'll soon get a DPAD mod and add a 6100 mAh LiIon rechargeable, which will give me 11 hours of playing time, then every little problem I had will be gone. :-)
Ryan posted on Dec 4 2006 at 07:35 AM said:
Did they ever fix the screen problems in MK1 bios? The scanlines are fine (perfect for emulation) but the flickering and curved distortion lines aren't!
The issue isn't a problem with the firmware-- the MagicEyes LCD controller (within the MMSP2/MP2520F) is incompatible with the MK1 LCD, resulting in out-of-sync operation and 'scanlining'. The MK2's display is compatible but has its own (less serious) issues, like the rather small viewable range.
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Emu&Co posted on Dec 4 2006 at 01:51 PM said:
I'll soon get 6100 mAh LiIon rechargeable, which will give me 11 hours of playing time

Bloody hell, where are you getting that from? Will it be a mod that attaches some kind of external battery? Cos 'twould be awesome :D
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stop telling everyone that shitt epicenter, its not true.
The flickering at some mk1 models is because of a wrong resistor, send it in and they repair it for free.
Having used both, I really do prefer the MK2. Though the screen has a horrendous viewing range, the joystick and the lack of scanlines make up for it.
Ryan posted on Dec 4 2006 at 01:35 PM said:
Did they ever fix the screen problems in MK1 bios? The scanlines are fine (perfect for emulation) but the flickering and curved distortion lines aren't!

in what way are scanlines perfect for emulation?
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They lend it a blur like on old TVs, while the Mk2's pixels look more "precise".

It's a matter of taste, really. On PC emus I prefer simulated scanlines, but on a handheld screen I prefer without scanlines.

nickspoon, your avatar's freaking me out!
Vimacs posted on Dec 4 2006 at 01:48 PM said:
stop telling everyone that shitt epicenter, its not true.
The flickering at some mk1 models is because of a wrong resistor, send it in and they repair it for free.
I didn't mention flickering, I mentioned out of sync drawing to the display, causing scanlining. Resistor issues causing flickering were on the first batch of MK1.
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gaterooze posted on Dec 4 2006 at 10:39 PM said:
They lend it a blur like on old TVs, while the Mk2's pixels look more "precise".

Aie, on the PC older games look a bit crap. The artwork was all designed around the TV screen's blurring effects, which you don't get on a PC.

Even simulated scanlines don't provide the perfect solution.

Will see about returning my GP2x, its just been gather dust in a cupboard because I can't stand the flickering...
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