Cave Story


Jun 7, 2009
We all know about Cave Story, the cult classic, ported from PC to the PSP, Gp2X and an upcoming WiiWare release.
I was wondering if a Wiz compile would ever happen, I've never actually played the game and I'd love to try it on the Wiz.

I mean was it up to pixel to port it or did he release the source code or what? I'm pretty unclear here.
Is the existing GP2X source available for porting?
Pixel gave the source code out directly to people who showed promise in being able to port it. With it becoming commercial I doubt he'll do such a thing anymore.
You think? I mean it's widely known that it's freeware for a whole bunch of systems.
The commercial version has extra content, improved visuals and audio, a Wiz port of the freeware version won't have these bonuses, it would be a port of a port.

I guess I can only be hopeful then.
I have stupid questions for notaz (sort of) (if it doesn't make a sense, forgive me :rolleyes: )
I'm already know and read that thread, and just being curious.

1. Can we recompile again 'the' source for Wiz as it's a superior/successor of GP2x for terms of license ? :)

2. Can we use the binary for GP2x with some kind of tweaking of dynamic/static library manupulation? (does it have to be a kinda GP2x emulator for Wiz?)

Well, forgive my ignorance of linux binary. All questions are just humble struggles for Cave story in Wiz :)
The source code, as Exophase said was not publicly released, but trusted to individual people who could port the software, so it is up to Pixel to trust either the GP2X source holders, or someone who would do a Wiz port.
And even then it's a question if he would want a freeware port of a game about to become commercial.

I doubt the binary could be shoehorned to work on the Wiz system, even if it could we need to respect Pixel's wishes about his game.
The only way I could see a Wiz port being a bad thing for him is if he stops releasing any free versions and also planned on selling it for the Wiz. Otherwise I don't see how this is harming his commercial prospects at all.

But, it's still up to him if he wants it on the Wiz. I just don't see what it would hurt, WiiWare and the Wiz aren't exactly close enough to where someone would choose one version over the other.
Ok, so has anyone tried contacting Pixel to see if a dev from the Wiz community can be given the source for a Wiz port? Or are we just ASSUMING that Pixel wouldn't want a Wiz port?