Cave Story ~ Doukutsu Monogatari

Seeing how slow CS runs on a old Pentium, I doubt theres any special tricks inside.

Props to the people who want to port this, I can't stand uncommented code and Japanese comments are no comment at all to me :)
Ok, so if there's anybody who feels up to the task, just send me a PM or write in this thread. I guess it wouldn't make much sense if I just went and asked Pixel for the source code as long as we don't have anybody to actually do something with it. (I probably wouldn't even be able to compile it by myself :P). The person (or even the team?) doing a port might also try to get in touch with Ravenworks, who's doing the Nintendo DS conversion of the game.

Of course we could just collect some money to buy Pixel a GP2x and have him do the port :ph34r:....
Or alternatively, if there's a gba version already, just play that on GPsp (albeit at the wrong resolution, but better than nothing) :)
There's no GBA port. It got turned into DS one, which isn't released yet anyway.

Therefore I fully support a port of Cave Story to the 2X. Somebody do it! I've had 4 friends already ask me when they saw my 2X for the first time if Cave Story had been ported to it. =P
Cave story is an amzing game! I would be very happy to see this ported. Of course my comment doesn't help, as I am no dev. Crap, ain't it.

Regarding the japanese original source: wouldn't it be helpful to get the source of the DS devs after we have green lights from pixel himself? Just for the sake of being able to understand the comments. Or someone who knows japanese could translate the comments.
i emailed this guy a long time ago asking him if a gp32 port would be likely, and then emailed him again asking the same thing for the gp2x when it was out, but i've never gotten an answer :C
@yuujin: have you asked him in japanese? Apparently he doesn't speak english. that might be the reason why you never got an answer...
Shadowsithe said: PSP port. Maybe someone can work something out with the guy.

Hm. Yeah, if someone worked with him, I bet we'd see results. (Couldn't the GP2X port skip the first step since the GP2X is already 320x240?)

Makes me wish I could program. Speaking of which, what's the best way to start? (I'd love to be a GP2X developer...)
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No, learn on the GP2X first, it's more fun than doing "hello world" stuff on the PC.

If you never programmed before, start with Fenix. Read the introductory chapters by Evildragon, then look at simple source code like the snippets section of the site I linked. Oh, and don't mind 'GP32' written all over that site, making the game run on the GP2X is as easy as writing a 2-line script :) This forum also has a nice Fenix board, and quite a few experienced Fenix programmers that can help guide you along the way.

Have fun!
I haven`t read through all if this, I must say, so I appologize if it has already been said,
but Pixel handed out the source for a (free) PSP port, just read that on TIGSource.


I`m pretty sure if someone asks, we could get the source for a gp2x port, which would indeed be ultra-mega-awesome (love that game, I really do!)
Is anyone, who's the least capable of programming and good at japanese going to give it a try? :o
Well I know no Japanese and I'm only a decent programmer, but I have done a little bit of work on it. If anyone wants to try rewriting Cave Story, I'd be glad to offer the information and resources I have.

I have extracted all of the images, musics, and sounds from the game. I have 2 level editors and a music editor. I have reverse-engineered most of the music format (I got bored and started working on a different project). I probably could reverse-engineer the level format as well given time.

So just PM me if you're up to it.
From everything I've heard Pixel doesn't just give out the source code, you have to make a demo where you've remade the game in some capacity before he'll give it to you.
I could do it. I mean, the port.
I don't speak Japanese, though. If anyone is willing to contact Pixel in order to retrieve the source code, I'll port the game to the GP2X. It will definitely take a month or two but I think it's worth it.

I could also make a (somewhat) playable demo first, but since Pixel has no GP2X to check it out... well.. I think a photograph of a GP2X showing a Cave Story screenshot would be fine.
I know Japanese and have phd in computer science, but haven't done any game programming. I mostly use Perl and Java, with some bits of C and C++ here and there.

I don't really have the time for anything like this kind of project, but if someone wants me to draft up an email in Japanese or something, I could do that.

good luck. I've heard about, but never played, Cave Story.
What about this:

Hello Pixel,

I want to bring your game Doukutsu Monogatari to the GP2X. The GP2X is a Linux based handheld console. As it uses a resolution of 320x240 (exactly the resolution of Doukutsu Monogatari) and has the needed power to run the game, it would be perfect for your game, which I consider as one of the best games in the world.
Anyway, in order to do a good port I would need the source code and your permission.

Details about the planned port: I want to first port your game to use the SDL library. This will enable me to not only compile it for the GP2X, but for a lot of different platforms and operating systems. Along with the GP2X version it's very easy to provide a Linux build, a FreeBSD build, a Mac build, etc. as soon as the game code is changed to use the SDL Library. It's even possible to compile an SDL port for the Nintendo DS and the PSP, but I probably wouldn't do that as there are already ports in the making.

All I need is your permission and a copy of the source code, and your game Doukutsu Monogatari will be played (and hopefully enjoyed) by more people than ever. I'm very confident that I can do this, I've already made several ports and games for the GP2X.

Simon Parzer

Any other suggestions? If the answer is no, could someone translate it and send it off to Pixel? Or shall we make (*sigh*) a completely useless playable demo first?
I've tried this strange Game on PC a while ago: Downloaded, installed, played, died after 10 Seconds, deleted.

This is what I did the first time I played it. But there is much more to it. The game evolves, and after a few hours the well-balanced, compelling gameplay and the thought-out story keep you playing.. and playing .. and playing.