Castaway/gp With Chatboard Released!


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
/me calls first released chatboard toy? (though I think the Kronos port is done first)

Get it here:

Activate the chatboard anytime while the emulation is running..

Hit Start to bring up the main Options menu
Hit Adjust Configuration to bring up the config menu
Hit Activate Chatboard
It'll ask you to press SMS; hit SMS key on chatboard
You're good to go :)

Period is "return", the backspace arrow is backspace.

I've not tested much, but she works ;) Sierra games, Infocom games .. I tried a bunch and they worked well :)


Ive been sitting on an unmodded chatboard since christmas, waiting for motivation to make it a gpatboard.

Castaway even has word editors, text tools, and text readers. Nice! ;)

Is there anywhere to purchase the the modified Chatboard? Or is there an adaptor for those who already own one like me?
diablo2 posted on Apr 25 2004 at 09:57 PM said:
whats a good site for freeware for atari st
ive googled it but can't find much
ITs very easy to find. Try checking the forum or my message boards, but look for Joe's FTP, or Pompey Pirates, etc..

Chatboards .. not too hard to modify I think, but you need the plug for the GP32 side. Theres a few peopel starting tomaek them I think so keep your eyes open :)

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frolik posted on Apr 26 2004 at 09:16 AM said:
Is it true that you can only press one key at a time? does that mean there's a delay before you can press a second key?

here's have I have ordered off ebay: Data Cable & Chatboard

Can't Wait!! :)
Thats a good question; I've not worked it over really hard, but you can rub your finger down a line and hit all the keys in a row pretty quick :) If needed I can maybe do a test in a day or two.. not home much right now and my GP is at home :P

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skeezix posted on Apr 26 2004 at 02:10 PM said:
Thats a good question; I've not worked it over really hard, but you can rub your finger down a line and hit all the keys in a row pretty quick :) If needed I can maybe do a test in a day or two.. not home much right now and my GP is at home :P

Don't worry, you've already done plenty! I'll give it a thorough test drive as soon as I've made mine and publish the results
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Enslaved posted on Apr 26 2004 at 01:21 PM said:
Man I want a chatboard! Who is selling them? I know it's Zenocha selling em for 10 in June and someone else selling em for more now.
once I get the connectors Ill be making them :D...
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I had a problem awhile back (thoguht it was falling aprt connector on my chatboard, but maybe not..) NEed to find out if its a chatboard protocol issue, a driver issue, code issue, or what. ie: Someone wrote to me they saw this, and I see it on occasion -- I can use the chatboard on my GP32 in CaSTaway for awhile. But once in awhile, after hitting backspace, I stop getting keys into the emu. ie: Could be the chatboard stops sending them, the driver stops understanding them, or the driver stops reporting them to the app. I've not seen it in awhile, but one lad reported it, so maybe its a crapshoot. Need more peopel to get chatboards so we can find out :)

Excellent. I've been sitting on my umodded chatboard and connector for months now. Time to get the soldering iron out!

Matthew rubs his hands in glee :)

I've got a chatboard and just need the connector then it will be all systems go!!

Now I just need to hunt down some of the STAC adventures I made!

As I've said before thanks a million for all the work you've done on the ST emulator!!

Thanks Skeezix! I have tried several text games and Space Quest 2 so far and all work great, especially Space Quest 2 is a sweet thing to play with the chatboard.
I have only few questions about that:

Since probably all the text games are in the medium resolution, they are a bit pain for eyes to play, the letters are there any way to force the emu to the low res?

When you get used to typing more quickly, the GP32 seems to choke up and it freezes. Could you please take a look at a workaround? Maybe prolonging the buffer would solve it?

Anyway, its a neat thing and you are the first to support it, congrats! :D