Anyway, does this sort of wandering-around-in-public-with-stuff-superimposed style of AR work with these glasses? All I've seen suggests that only works if you prepare the scene beforehand by sticking down retroreflective stickers (i.e. scotchlight) all over the place.
Or is this something that comes with one of the clipons? I've not been able to watch the video properly yet.
I suppose you could wear special gloves so it would know where the gun/bow and arrow/crossbow/death ray weapon goes. Then people might mistake you for a mime artist instead.
Thing is it only has a couple of weak projectors - and it projects out into the real world, not onto the lenses of your glasses. It could change the colour of your gloves if they were within range, but not put anything in your hands.
Ah, so it's more like the "Infinite reality" Gun device that was shown a few years ago, but with a POV that's always straight ahead line-of-sight.
OK, fit an electrode to detect concentration levels (like those ball-floating 'mind control' toys), and make an AR Scanners game. Face off with your located nemesis, and the pair of you go at it until somebody's head explodes.
Oh. oh... Yeah, that's in the article and I totally glossed over it in my stary eyed wonder. That's a major downside and basically eliminates every conceivable use I could have for such a system.