

Aug 6, 2003
Casshern trailer

A scientist invents a robot for pollution control. Seems harmless enough right? Well, the robot, BK-1 or the Black King, goes nuts and sets out to enslave mankind using a robot army. Yes, it's a little clich?, but you still gotta hate it when that happens. Well, the scientist's son somehow merges his body with that of a robot and becomes a super-powered android named Casshan. If it sounds crazy, it's because it is. He then takes on the robot armies with the help of his robot dog (stay with me) and his childhood friend, Luna. Again, I'm just telling you what I've been able to gather online so apologies to fans of the series (are there any there?) if I've missed some important detail.
- from IGN Filmforce

Just watch the trailer. B)

Or, if you're still stuck on dial-up, check the Filmforce site for some snapshots.
Delsabre posted on Apr 21 2004 at 07:30 PM said:
Okay, really guys, check this out.

I don't care if the storyline is cheesalicious, The special effects are awesome.
Yea he's right it kicks ass. I was quite suprised. Why does Japanese stuff always have a bit off english in it. It's so strange. :P
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Well, Alive from Ryuhei Kitamura, maker of Versus and Azumi (both are actually cool movies), also have a fantastic trailer (you can check it here) but the whole movie was the most boring thing I have ever watched - actually it wasnt so bad but after I saw trailer i expected something totally different. But have to admit that Casshern trailler is quite impressive. (i dont know why but main here remind me a hero from Straider games ;). If you like such a movies (a lot of cool action and CGI) i reccomend you Natural CIty a blockbuster from Korea (here you can download trailer).
Yeah, I saw this about a month ago on the website. Very nice special effects. But the basis of the movie is this:

Major Asian and European armies fought (major conglomerated armies) each other over the Eurasian border basically. The Asian army won. But the war left the Eurasian lands in inhospitable ruins from years of chemical bio warfare. Humanity is becoming decivilized.

Some geneticist dude says that the human race can be revived and rejuvanted by his 'neo-cell' research. He does this crap because his wife died or something. Funding for his research is denied by the governemt, because they're a bunch of Commie bastards who want to rule the country with fear and all that BS. This research might give a world of hopeless people something to look forward to.

But some black ops group of the military wants the geneticist to actually do his work. So they give him the money. The dude continues his research. Then some Shit hits the fan and bad stuff happens and terror is unleahed upon the world. Nice going there geneticist dude!!!

Here's the real storyline. That's just how I would put it.

An alternate world with an alternate history.

The entire planet was divided between two opposing alliances.
After fifty years of bitter warfare,
the Greater Eastern Federation triumphs over
the forces of Europa and gains dominion over the Eurasian continent.

However, this is an empty victory.
Years of chemical, biological and nuclear war have poisoned the land and
left an exhausted population at the mercy of every pestilence and newly-mutated disease.

It seems that there's little hope for humanity's future.
Debate rages over the chances of finding some way to stave off
the seemingly-inevitable decline of civilization.

One man comes forward with a possible solution.
Dr. Azuma is a geneticist who proposes a "neo-cell" treatment that
can rejuvenate the body and regenerate humankind.
He's driven in his studies by a desire to save his beloved wife, Midori,
from the ravages of pollution-related disease.

He appeals for funding to the government
but the politicians in the Health Ministry turn him down,
fearing that the new technology will threaten their entrenched powers.

However, a sinister faction in the powerful military makes
a secret offer to provide the support he needs to further his research.

When an incident occurs in the lab that sends
the Professor's "neo-cell" cloning experiment haywire,
a race of mutant human beings (Shinzo Ningen) is unleashed upon the world.

Instead of being the savior of mankind,
the Professor's miraculous technology looks set to threaten its very existence...
