Still Fresh
It seems that, although we are now close to having the cases done, then at the maximum rate presently being talked about (500/day or less), we have all the time required to be able to do the paperwork to allow at least one new case color. I want to ask a few questions here, make some comments.
First, is there any physical parameter of the current black case which makes using a different color problematic? If some colors are bad about that, are there any which compare fine with black? Third, I want to suggest that while it's very easily possible to paint a translucent case black, doing the reverse is quite impossible. I personally would like a blue-tinted translucent, maybe with a shiny clear topcoat, which I can easily make by painting a translucent case with a thinned down blue and a clear lacquer, but that's impossible to perform with a black case. Could I suggest that an email address be set up for this purpose (gathering people's choices), and a email template be constructed, to make the reading of such requests simpler, OR just experiment by making some number (maybe a thousand?) available as it is? If a person doesn't answer, they get whatever color you decide for them as default. Perhaps to make this easier for you, make everyone who requests this have to go to the end of the list for order fulfillment, so that no one who doesn't want this special handling gets hurt by it. Only thing you'd have to supply would be a paint technology which you could check and make sure works (oil based, or maybe acrylics?)
First, is there any physical parameter of the current black case which makes using a different color problematic? If some colors are bad about that, are there any which compare fine with black? Third, I want to suggest that while it's very easily possible to paint a translucent case black, doing the reverse is quite impossible. I personally would like a blue-tinted translucent, maybe with a shiny clear topcoat, which I can easily make by painting a translucent case with a thinned down blue and a clear lacquer, but that's impossible to perform with a black case. Could I suggest that an email address be set up for this purpose (gathering people's choices), and a email template be constructed, to make the reading of such requests simpler, OR just experiment by making some number (maybe a thousand?) available as it is? If a person doesn't answer, they get whatever color you decide for them as default. Perhaps to make this easier for you, make everyone who requests this have to go to the end of the list for order fulfillment, so that no one who doesn't want this special handling gets hurt by it. Only thing you'd have to supply would be a paint technology which you could check and make sure works (oil based, or maybe acrylics?)