Card Reader + Gp2x 1.2.0 = Sd Don't Work :(

Eso Rimmer

Jul 30, 2005
Czech republic
Just got GP2X from play-asia with firmware 1.2.0. I have borrowed Kingston 512MB SD card and I have new printer with card reader. So I formated to FAT32, but GP2X don't recognize files on SD. FAT same way. So next try was with USB cable. All connected, switched on, but windows xp sp2 didn't do anything. What am I doing wrong? :(
*has had the same exact problem, except with a Kingston 1GB

It's pretty simple actually: get some freshly charged batteries first though.,0,0,0,42,1136

download this, format your card to FAT32, and ONLY put the gp2xkernel.img file onto the card using the card reader, in no directories.

Turn on the GP2X with the SD card in it. It should say Firmware Upgrading/whatever. When it's done i.e the menu pops up, turn it off and try again with putting whatever you want on it
Ok, but can I downgrade to 1.2.0 after 1.2.1 upgrade? Because there is written "Ver1.2.1 is released to deal with SD driver problem of 1.2.0.
It can read TOSHIBA SD card, but cannot read 2Giga SD card." on and I want to buy 2GB A-DATA.

And is it possible upgrade to 1.2.1 when gp2x can't rocognize files on it?
Because there is written "Ver1.2.1 is released to deal with SD driver problem of 1.2.0."

I said I had the SAME EXACT problem! ... and that's what it fixes, I said try it damit, dont question it...

And no, don't bother downgrading. If the firmware works, then don't try to go back =p

And yes, UBOOT (what loads the firmware upgrade) reads cards differently......
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Because there is written "Ver1.2.1 is released to deal with SD driver problem of 1.2.0."
And no, don't bother downgrading. If the firmware works, then don't try to go back =p

Thanks fo reply, but I will have this Kingston only for a few days and I want to buy 2GB so So if I upgrade to 1.2.1 I will need to downgrade to 1.2.0 later because of this: "Ver1.2.1 is released to deal with SD driver problem of 1.2.0.
It can read TOSHIBA SD card, but cannot read 2Giga SD card."

Or am I wrong? I don't want to end with 2GB card which is not recognized by GP2X. :unsure:
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