can't install .pnd files


Feb 9, 2006
just got my pandora today.i just put a couple of emu i got from the repo.i put them in the folders that the wiki suggests,and well..they dont' show up.i tried to put them anywhere literally,but neither the minimenu or desktop can "run" recognizes them,but if i double click on them nothing happens.they all have the "gear" icon,if that can help
When booting, if you see "Release 1.52", then you are on the latest firmware.

If not, you first should install it:

If you are on 1.52, you have an utility in System menu called Create Pandora SD card. It will create all needed folders on a SD card.

Then, put all your .pnd in the pandora/menu/ folder of your card.
Absolutely certain you have the directory structure correct? <SDcard>/pandora/desktop

or menu for the menu, but for the sake of trying to figure out what's wrong I suggest putting them all into desktop for now. If absolutely nothing appears on the desktop, you've got a weird problem.

Try ejecting the card and put it back in, maybe it didn't read it properly the first time for some reason.
updating its just what i wanted to do,but alas it doesn't want to run it!i'm not on 1.52 so i don't have that option.there are some .pnd files in memory already,but they are different from the .pnd files with the "gear" thati have can i run this updater?

Absolutely certain you have the directory structure correct? <SDcard>/pandora/desktop

or menu for the menu, but for the sake of trying to figure out what's wrong I suggest putting them all into desktop for now. If absolutely nothing appears on the desktop, you've got a weird problem.

Try ejecting the card and put it back in, maybe it didn't read it properly the first time for some reason.

no no the files are recognized on the full gui,they just don' want to start\run\install.
i attached a pic of you can see,the .pnd files without a gear as icon run ok,all the other,included the updater,just do nothing,and doesn0't even show in minimenu

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forgot to mention,don't know if its important..all the gear .pnd were trasnferred by my windows pc to the sd card.i downloaded them and then trasnferred there.
try not to launch them via thunar, instead use the Menu (Pandora button in the left-bottom corner)
Your directory structure is wrong. They don't go in /games/pandora, straight into /pandora/<menu or desktop or apps>

You can't run PNDs directly, they aren't executables, they're packages. Putting them into the appropriate directories causes the system to scan them and figure out what needs to be run, and creates menu or desktop shortcuts for them accordingly. That's what you need to run.

edit: derp, nevermind that directory thing, I see now that that's your SD card's name. I'm an idiot sometimes :p

edit edit: that being said, since they're in the apps directory they should all be appearing in both menu and desktop. Should have no trouble seeing something show up somewhere.
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try not to launch them via thunar, instead use the Menu (Pandora button in the left-bottom corner)

menu and then??even by file manager the result is the same
got it wrong. put them in "/pandora/desktop" folder on your sdcard, they should show up directly on the desktop

Edit: geez - nevermind, little confusion on my side

you put them in the right place. If you insert the Card in your Pandora, do icons appear on the desktop ?
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Sorry, if I am too fast here, I didn't read all of the thread, but could it be possible, that you have corrupted pndfiles?

Try redownloading them.
no they don't,i can olny see them through the file manager.anyway i'm doing what ed suggested and formatted the indded might have some issues as its not going to format properly so far.when i amanage do it eventually,do i have to create the folders myself?
ok fomratted the card,put the files in there,same issues,dobule click and nothing happens...
ok wait something magical happened..nw i went to the mini menu and finally there's the asks me for a root permission password though..which is it?
Well it's gonna be complicated, you'd better reflash your unit with the latest firmware:
ok i re-flashed and now seems to work ok.can i delete all the files of the zaxxon installation from that sd card now?