Can't get snes emulators to run


sleep is for wimps
Jul 29, 2003
London Baby!
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Today really aint my day ..

Right have tried making the SNES directory in both g:\ and g:\gpmm as far as i can tell SNES is the name of the directory for both emus or am i barking up the wrong tree.

have tried the regular flavours of the emulator but i never get anything

on snes9x black screen and on snesemu see the selector bit but no roms.. this happens on all versions.

I've had both of them running in the past.

Gp32 seems fine as everything else runs no sweat.
Did you format your SMC with Pc-link software or using a 6 in 1 smc reader?
When i format my SMC with a 6 in 1 smc reader and make all directories manually SNES9x and doom-port don't work.

May be this?

Sorry for my english!
Depends on where you downloaded the emulators. The default location for ROMs is GP://GPMM for SNES9xGP and GP://GPMM/SNES/ for SnesEmu. There are edited versions available that search in GP://SNES for both of them. Most overclocked versions do this, but the non-overclocked versions may not (depending on where you downloaded them).
Cheers tried using the non hacked emus with those directories but no luck.

I am however using a 6 in 1 card reader so maybe thats the problem...wierd!
Never had any probs loading Doom on it though..

Will try formatting the card later and formating and loading it via snail-link.

cheers for the replies.
Sorry for interrupting, but what exactly does cheers mean? Im in america so I never hear alot of these terms.