Can't Get Neogeo Emulator Working

I can get GnGeo to work fine but not Rage2X :(
When I start up Rage it looks okay and lists my ROMs in green, but when I try to start a game it just dumps me out.
Are there any config options I need to change? Can anyone help?
Well you might press START to run a rom, which surprisingly enough quits the application. You need to press A instead.

- Alex
Alex. posted on Jul 4 2006 at 12:33 PM said:
Well you might press START to run a rom, which surprisingly enough quits the application. You need to press A instead.

- Alex

:rolleyes: DOH!
Thanks Alex
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hi, Im having the same trouble as the main poster, no matter what I do I just get thrown back to the main screen. Im using latest emulater with rage, the games supposibly verified for the 2x come up in green in the rage frontend, I checked a couple of games in the romc and they look fine. I have antidark pics installed and they come up ok, Im pressing A, not Start. So, the bios I have tried are all those combinations mentioned above, thus.

downloaded today

downloaded uni-bios and the version Im trying now.

my original taken from earlier neogeo set


But still no go, now whats odd I did have MSlug working when I first got my2x but it was rom from an earlier set I had without the GFX files Im using now, but I formatted the card since then.. ohh, I also tried a bit of renaming without luck.

one thing do I choose to use the blazstar setting or not with this game, as i have gfx files..

Any help please.

ok, ive slung all the bios in a melting pot and come up with a semi working emu, I seem to start the game it goes thru the decompressing and the games start, but somehow there are no graphics, apart from some edge scores and perhaps some text occasionally flashing up, any ideas?

elvgren posted on Jul 4 2006 at 07:06 PM said:
ok, ive slung all the bios in a melting pot and come up with a semi working emu, I seem to start the game it goes thru the decompressing and the games start, but somehow there are no graphics, apart from some edge scores and perhaps some text occasionally flashing up, any ideas?


You probably need a different version of the game rom. Either that or this one was gfx-dumped by an earlier version which is now incompatible. You will need to re-dump from a fresh rom which hasn't had its files replaced by dummy files (try using the command line dumper in the latest gngeo release).
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gaterooze posted on Jul 4 2006 at 10:46 PM said:
You probably need a different version of the game rom. Either that or this one was gfx-dumped by an earlier version which is now incompatible. You will need to re-dump from a fresh rom which hasn't had its files replaced by dummy files (try using the command line dumper in the latest gngeo release).

Well, I was just about to delete the whole set up after trying to work out the best way of retrieving some working games, and then deciding to try the psx emu out, when I went thru the dir stucture and noticed two big gfx file sitting in the roms dir, now I knew I didnt put these in the there so naturally assumed thats where the emu was making these up. So taking mine out of the games dir and putting them in the roms dir started up the emu and lo and behold, games are working, with full graphics.. now, I didnt realise I had these in the wrong dir but they are there now.

Now then, why when the game tried to make them up and didnt work, perhaps gaterooze was right on that part, they are from an earlier build, mind you I only got this set last week from an alt.ternitive source ;) but at least they are working now with the supplied gfx files.

I never looked or seen it mentioned where the gfx files had to reside, so assumed they would be with the games. Suppose if your using a fresh rom you would not be looking to see where its decompressing so wouldnt spring to mind for most peeps.

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In step 4 below I have renamed the bios roms and saved the file. In step 5 I copy the roms over but do I copy the roms as a Zip or unziped file?

The problem im having is that when I press A button to load a game the screen just flicks and nothing, been through this so many times and the cant get a game to load. If I press start the screen go to main menu and if I press A buuon the screen just flicks....

Help needed please.



Step 4

The BIOS zip will likely contain the following files. Rename them to the bold names.
neo-geo.rom > vs-bios.rom
ng-lo.rom > 000-lo.lo
ng-sfix.rom > sfix.sxf
ng-sm1.rom > delete, not needed

Step 5

Copy the renamed BIOS files to your SD card, in NeoGeo > roms. The roms folder was already part of the GNGeo2x zip, so it should have been there along with a readme file telling you to put the BIOS files there.
MAME Neogeo roms, if that makes and sense :lol: You get the Neogeo roms from the same 'aisle' as the MAME roms. As for the bios, it must be unzipped.

- Alex
matthew posted on Jul 5 2006 at 02:58 PM said:
The problem im having is that when I press A button to load a game the screen just flicks and nothing, been through this so many times and the cant get a game to load. If I press start the screen go to main menu and if I press A buuon the screen just flicks....

matthew, this was exactly what I was getting when allowing the emu to make its own GFX file possibly because they are the wrong roms they do this, not sure but someone more knowledgable should be able to tell you. So, are you using zips with the companian gfx file, if so do what I done and move the GFX files into your rom dir, the one where you put your bios files, this worked for me, so could be linked with your problem.

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this is a great thread.
thx so much.. I personally wouldn't have gotten this far this fast without it.

sorry for being such an idiot here but....

... I've got the rage working and the MAME NEO GEO roms show up (some red some green) in the interface. but when I hit A on a selected green one, I end up with a message "unknow or unsupported romset. Check it and your romrc" and it kicks me back to the selector.

??? what the....?????
I'd love some help with this, I know this thread has been an oldie...

Followed the instructions (running on caanoo). All my games are red and don't show up. Can anyone help?
This is a very old GP2X thread, not for the Caanoo.

Since you don't have a single working game, you probably miss some BIOS files. This is what you need...

Directory "/game/gngeo/roms"

21.08.2009   08:58    65'536   000-lo.lo
21.08.2009   08:58   131'072   aes-bios.rom
21.08.2009   08:58   131'072   asia-s3.rom
21.08.2009   08:59   131'072   dsp-s2.sp1
21.08.2009   08:58   131'072   sfix.sfx
21.08.2009   08:58   131'072   sm1.sm1
21.08.2009   08:58   131'072   sp1.jipan.1024
21.08.2009   08:58   131'072   sp-e.sp1
21.08.2009   08:58   131'072   sp-j2.rom
21.08.2009   08:58   131'072   sp-s.sp1
21.08.2009   08:58   131'072   sp-s2.sp1
21.08.2009   08:59   131'072   uni-bios.rom
21.08.2009   08:59   131'072   usa_2slt.bin
21.08.2009   08:58   131'072   vs-bios.rom
You also need the correct ROM files. Do a search on "gngeo" in this forum. You will find several posts explaining how it works.