Can't access pnds on sd.

He Who Walks Between

Still Fresh
Aug 29, 2012
So my sd card seems to be mounted, my pnds show up in the menu. However I can not ccess any of them. Dmesg returns that "it has a invalid media value (0x00) and that it can't find a valid FAT filesystem. Any chance someone can help?
Have you tried rebooting your Pandora ? The second idea would be some kind of filesystem corruption, can you check it on another system (btw. what filesystem is used on that card ?) ?
It's a FAT32 filesystem, and no I don't currently have another pc to check it on. Also when I looked at it under gpartedd though itsiad that it's mount pooint couldn't be found.
Where exactly are your .pnd files located in the menu??  Maybe try changing the locale.

 What GUI are you using?

 I ask because it has been my experience..and maybe only mine..  that certain pnd's will not show on a particular GUI.

Another question is which Firmware are you branding? I found.. and again maybe I am alone here..that certain pnds would not open or even show on the older firmware.

Just my personal experiences here.

No I do not own a solar powered Pandora. B)
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