Cannot Change CPU Speed


Still Fresh
Oct 13, 2008
New Pandora. Defaults to 500mhz. Also, I cannot run Firefox (file permissions ?) and I cannot install Midori (file permissions ?). SD Card is Kingston 16gb SDHC (From Craig). Am using Super Zaxxon Beta 4. Please Help !
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Cur is the current speed. The icon won't change ;)

Edit: I suggest changing this icon to something more generic like a tachmeter or a chip as it causes some confusion.
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Thanks. But I could have sworn the icon displayed 600, when I first turned it on (otherwise, why would the icon always display 500 no matter what you clock the CPU to ?) I had some problems with it not accepting my password on boot, so I re-flashed it. Then, it wouldn't change to any speed other than 500. So, i've re-flashed as per post #5.
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It always displays 500 :) the text next to it shows the actual mhz.
Odd, but interesting. Any idea why ? Some kind of in-joke between Craig and his friends ? Also, why does the MD5 included with the firmware download come up as not being able to read the img file within rootfs.img ?
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New Pandora. Defaults to 500mhz. Also, I cannot run Firefox (file permissions ?) and I cannot install Midori (file permissions ?). SD Card is Kingston 16gb SDHC (From Craig). Am using Super Zaxxon Beta 4. Please Help !

I am having similar issues with Firefox. I am also running on a Kingston 16GB SDHC Class 4. However I'm using Super Zaxxon Beta 5.
New Pandora. Defaults to 500mhz. Also, I cannot run Firefox (file permissions ?) and I cannot install Midori (file permissions ?). SD Card is Kingston 16gb SDHC (From Craig). Am using Super Zaxxon Beta 4. Please Help !

I am having similar issues with Firefox. I am also running on a Kingston 16GB SDHC Class 4. However I'm using Super Zaxxon Beta 5.

I would try deleting the firefox folder in appdata, redownload the pnd and try again.

edit: nevermind I saw your other post where you said you already tried those. Have you tried to reflash the unit with SZ beta5? Some times there are some folders that get created on nand with some programs.
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That's a shame. I've only just received my Pandora and am having problems with it. I did re-flash to beta 5 and it seem to solve the stuck CPU clock issue (anything I set the CPU to, it remained firm at 500 MHZ) and the password entry issues on boot, but I am now getting odd intermittent sounds coming from the speakers, I think. Guess I better send it back. Oh, well. Thanks for the replies and advice.
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Yes, those boing or humming sounds appear when the amp shuts down. Don't worry about that.
Boing sound, it's seems (to me) more like the sound you get from a phono line-in on an amplifier when you plug a connector in and the volume is turned up. Loaded up Midori and was browsing this forum. It was laggy and suddenly crashed, exiting back to the desktop. Run it again and it crashed after trying to do a Google search. Sent stuff from the desktop to the trash bin. Emptied the bin and the Icon still had paper in it but Angstrom says it's empty. Rebooted the Pandora and the stuff I deleted is back on my Desktop. Tried to run Mame4All Beta (it made that funny noise again on loading), quit the game a couple of times and instead of going to the rom browser, it crashed to the desktop. On the two times that I flashed it, it complained about not being able to create/access certain files. It say's that the flashing process could take up to 15 minutes, for me it was more like 5 or 6 minutes or less. I have tried to download stuff from the appstore utility, but am getting too many errors while downloading/veryfing files. I think it's the Kingston SDHC card Craig sent me that is the cause of most of my woes. According to the Wiki, they are not great cards.
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And although from a technical point I am more than happy with what it can do (besides the issues I have put up here) :wub: , the case I got is painted in silver and you can see the black plastic underneath through a few scratches and scuff marks on the case (around some of the buttons, on the front, around the power indicator lights). The lid doesn't fit flush when closed (hardly noticeable in black, but very noticeable in silver). The left shoulder button sticks (surprise, surprise ;) ). The battery is too big for the compartment and puts pressure on the battery cover and one side of the case. The screen has some very noticeable dead pixels/artifacts in one small clump near the bottom right. What a shame !!!!