Can You Play Any Games On The Gp2x Right Now?


Still Fresh
Sep 2, 2005
Houston, TX
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I know it just came out, but I was just wondering if there were any games available at the moment.

Or if you could download the old GP32 games...

Also, is "GPWar" any good, I saw a screenshot, and it looked just like Advanced Wars, and I loved that game, is their a way to play it on the GP2X?
I know it just came out, but I was just wondering if there were any games available at the moment.

Or if you could download the old GP32 games...

Also, is "GPWar" any good, I saw a screenshot, and it looked just like Advanced Wars, and I loved that game, is their a way to play it on the GP2X?

It's not backwards compatible, so downloading the old GP32 games won't do you any good (unless you have a GP32 or the GP32 emu for the PC).
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I'm played mario kart on the gp2x snes em right now. Excellent!

Thanks Craig.
It''s perfect!

Just tried Chrono Trigger, f/s 2, perfect. Full sound etc.

Gotta go and try the ff games.
howd you get it lubidog?????

and isn't that snes emulator unreleased?!
I think he is just pulling your leg ;)
Do you think he would answer "It''s perfect!" if it was true :P?