Release Can you help me?


Still Fresh
Apr 19, 2009
Samara ,Russian Federation
Hello, everyone!
I have not so understood as here all is arranged because here all is written not on my native language. Could you answer some questions?
1. On what roughly game can judge productivity of console Pandora.
2. Is it possible to start games on Pandora from desktop versions Linux?
3. It is possible to do upgrade the hardware?
4. Whether occurrence of emulators Sega Dream Cast, Sony Play Station 2, Nintendo DS, ScummVM is possible (theoretically)?
5. Is it possible to emulate Windows 98?
Excuse me, please, if it is not necessary so to write, and also if it is written not competently.
1. Unfortunately I did not understand this question. If you rephrase it then someone can probably answer.
2. Do you mean to execute desktop versions (as in: copy from desktop to Pandora)? If so, then no. But some desktop games can be re-compiled for the Pandora if there is source code.
3. No, it is not possible.
4. I don't know much about game emulators, but ScummVM certainly runs, and some others (not the latest, but earlier generations. I think that psp runs, but others will have to answer this one.)
5. No.

You will find more people to answer over on the gpx32 fourms
than here. On gpx32 you can also use the search function to find information about which game emulators run.
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I wish to say: Can you say the name of the game(from other platform) which tell about maximum productivity of Pandora?
For example, Can Pandora show a level graphics such as... Dead or Alive XTreem Beach Valleybal, ... or Black?
Unfortunately I do not know enough about games to answer properly. You will find more people with knowledge about games at the gpx32 forum (see previous posting for link). For performance, I know that quake2 and quake3 runs on the Pandora, but they are run native and not in an emulator.

You can also find some information here:
and here:
and here: (scroll down to where it says "Software")
There is also an "unofficial" blog with good information. See
(on the right-hand side there is a link about emulator-specific articles)

Edit: Also note that the Pandora will have a 800x480 pixel display, which is more than any of the game consoles it can emulate.
We can't name a single game and say "here's how good the Pandora's graphics will be"
Most games are going to fall a bit short of using all the available processing power, and we don't really have any benchmarks going yet to even estimate this.

However, I've heard a couple of times that the graphics unit is comparable to an original XBox. Probably a little bit better.
lulzfish said:
Emulation is a waste of the Pandora's processing power. We need to write native games for it.
I disagree. By that logic, emulation is a waste of any system's processing power (with typical 1:15 to 1:40 emulated-to-native clock ratio and therefore serves no purpose.

This is one of the reasons why the Pandora was given so much power, so that it could handle fairly modern emulators. I don't think anyone's going to code your collection of PSX or NES games to run natively on the Pandora. But guess what? The Pandora can handle them thru emulation!
Yeah, emulation is always a waste. People need to do native ARM stuff.
I hope you didn't think that was part of my reply, though. It's just my general view on where the Pandora's software library is going. :/ Everybody wants to emulate stuff instead of starting their own projects, probably because you're all older than me. I've never actually played SNES or PS1.
lulzfish said:
Yeah, emulation is always a waste. People need to do native ARM stuff.
I hope you didn't think that was part of my reply, though. It's just my general view on where the Pandora's software library is going. :/ Everybody wants to emulate stuff instead of starting their own projects, probably because you're all older than me. I've never actually played SNES or PS1.
Never played a PS1?
And I thought I was young :wink:
But yeah, I agree fully, but currently I'm working a lot in Java to be able to target more platforms then just the Pandora, I hope that doesn't count as emulation, or does it? :P
While it's true that native software will probably look better, run smoother, have more motion and make more efficient use of the hardware, an emulator itself is nonetheless native code, although the game or ROM it emulates is not. But it sure opens the doors to a heck of a lot of games.