Can You Help Me

Graphics cards are easy. Just figure out how much you can afford to spend, add 20%, and get the best card you can with that ammount of money. :P

SC2's requirements aren't that steep. You can get a card that will have no problems for well under $100. If money is really tight, Nvidia just came out with a very decent (for the price) 9400GT card that falls well within the recommended specs for about $60.
the 8800 GT use to be the best 'bang for buck', but I haven't looked into graphics cards recently so that may well have changed. Persnally i use a cheep GF7600GS, runs Blender verry well(on Linux), so its good enough for me :D
Newegg and international orders...

Here's a story that happened with me:
I placed an order with a US credit card, both shipping and billing address were the same (yes both are in the states, Richardson TX specifically), passed through the verified by visa crap (were they ask for the SSN of the card's holder), passed all, just to find a disapproved notice the second day, why? simply because the IP address I was placing the order from was outside the states!!!

That one day delay caused me a lot of trouble, but they fixed it by giving me $30 off my order if I was able to place it from the states. Lucky me I had access to a remote PC there, replaced the order and got the $30 off.

So basically, I had a billing address same as the shipping address, which is also the same place the computer I used to replace the order was in.

Great prices, great service, but unfortunately, stupid policy...
8800 GS/GSO 9600GT 9800 GSO are pretty cheap, don't pay more than $100 for the GS/GSO models, and think seriously before spending more than $120 on the 9600 models.

The HD 4850 from AMD / ATi is the current value leader, I recommend it.

If you just want to play games then find a 7900 GS or GT for $45 with $10 shipping:

I cannot recommend the 9400GT card, it has a 128 bit memory bus with DDR2 and only 16 stream processors.

The 7900 series has DDR3 with a 256 bit memory bus and 20-24 shaders, it is nearly the same, only faster.

You do need a PC with a PCI-E slot for a decent video card. DO NOT buy an AGP card for more than $40. Do NOT get a card with DDR2 as its memory.

You can get a PCI-E motherboard for $40, and a Core2 Celeron for $35, 2GB DDR2 is only $30 (if you don't currently have DDR2 that is), that is practically a whole PC upgrade right there.

Worst mistake is spending too much money on outdated components, Pentium 4/D processors, DDR (not DDR2) ram, Video cards on AGP or with DDR2 memory. No money should go into upgrading that stuff.

Usually though your current case and power supply can take an upgrade to all those components for $150-$200 (including the stock copper core heatsink from a Core2 Quad to overclock the Celeron to 2.4Ghz), and then you get much better performance than just chucking a $100 AGP video card at a wheezy Socket 478 system.

Do post your current system specs though :)