Can Replace Korean Firmware To English One?


Still Fresh
Nov 12, 2003
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I bought my GP32 for more than a year from Lik-Sang, and I heard that all recent purchased were in English firmware, mine a year ago, not. I wonder if there is a way to get the official English firmware for my earlier BLU GP32 unit which was in Korean interface.

I hope this firmware thingy is not hardcoded, and I want my firmware permanently in English, not Korean.

Thanks in Advance..


Kevin Lai
Yeah, that is possible. Search the board for "flash firmware" or similar and you will find help.
Yeah, that is possible. Search the board for "flash firmware" or similar and you will find help.

Yes, I know about flashing third party firmware, but I am talking about official firmware English straight from Gamepark. Is there really an English version official firmware??
Yes, I think the Euro Firmware was dumped a while back.

It's really good.
NO NO! Get the European FW! It´s much better! doesn´t need freelauncher anymore

Have a look at the official homepage, there´s a "Firmware Download" section on the right side

or even better: try a search on the news section of this forum! Search for "firmware" or BIOS
kevinlaikf posted on Jul 23 2004 at 02:53 PM said:
I bought my GP32 for more than a year from Lik-Sang, and I heard that all recent purchased were in English firmware, mine a year ago, not. I wonder if there is a way to get the official English firmware for my earlier BLU GP32 unit which was in Korean interface.
huh, you have your blu for more than a year??
I thought the blu isn't older than a few months?
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Yes, multifirmware is best, if you did want just one though, it has to be the new European Firmware. It wins hands down. No more free launcher, quick and it looks the business also. The only thing i'm not to keen on is that the MP3 player isnt on the main screen anymore - but the new mp3 player is better anyway.
even quicker than euFw is pacrom... you dont have to click "play" first, just leave "save last launched file" in pacrom and its fast as hell to launch files :) you also see the filenames, so for example if you have many different versions of gp advance on your smc, you know exactly which version you're firing up ;)
Ok, after running the resetfw.fxe to clear the default boot menu, I managed to get the multifirmware boot menu, but my english 1.5.7e bios still gimme the Korean confirmation text when I use the free launcher. How can I get that fixed??
Was those text from the launcher or the bios?

Did I miss anything?
well, as i said, get the euro one ( the one which doesn´t require freelauncher and doesn´t have a built in MP3 Player)
I think you should use gpbios, then you only have to flash once, after it you can launch any firmware without flashing it.
I use it and I think it's great, if a new version of a firmware comes out I don't have to flash it again.
aqua 5.01 can also launch other firmwares, just put boot.bin in root folder and choose in aqua's menu to launch that one :)
imo its really the best thing. it also has the eu fw implemented.