are boxed games write protected?


Dec 28, 2003
Sheffield, England
Hi, I'm thinking of buying Her Knights, cus it looks a really cool game but the only thing is... I DONT READ KOREAN!!! there's an english patch for it on here so thats no trouble, but only place I can find it is on lik-sang as a boxed game... £20, kinda steep, but what the hell I want it..

but I want to check first that I'll be able to do the patch on the SMC that the game comes on, as in I'll be able to delete whatever file it is and replace it with the english version... as I'd REALLY hate to buy it and find I'm stuck with a korean version I can't understand :(

thanks in advance guys :D
I've never bought a boxed game, but as people have accedentaly wiped their SMCs, I'm pretty sure that they arn't write-protected.
I've had ASR pretty much from the beginning. I could never read Korean, so I never really got into it.

Just recently, I finally decided to use it as a regular SmartMedia card, so I just deleted Astonish off of it. It was no problem. It's just a normal SmartMedia card.
You'll probably get it in english already, so don't even bother downloading the least I got it patched
steep? this is cheap. you pay £30 for a new gba game and even more for consoles
I was kind of refering to the fact most of the downloadable games are like £6 - £10... but I kind of forgot to take into consideration the cost of packaging and the SMC...

but also, GBA games are more due the the fact most of them are designed and written by multi-national large companies, that have a lot more costs involved... but then again... they do sell one hell of a lot more copies than the GP32 is...

so really... it all kinda works out even, and I've bought the game now anyways... 5 - 14 days and I'll have it :D
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You can erase your game smc, as they are genreally not write-protected for saving of game positions, high-scores etc.

However, you can back the smc up to a folder on your PC and restore it (only to the same SMC) if you mess the original up. Best to do this before anything else!