Can Pandora Emulate N64 Games That Require The Expansion Pack?


Still Fresh
Jun 23, 2010
I'd like to know before purchasing one, as many of the best N64 games such as DK64, Perfect Dark, and Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask require it and I have yet to see a handheld capable of emulating any of these even close to okay.

Also if I place an order now how far would I be in the que? 3500 or so? Do you think it will take a year or 2 before mine would ship?

Another edit: Also can this run Super Metroid? A lot of portable devices with a SNES emulator cannot.

Another edit: Can it run flash and/or stream video/mp3s?

Again, another edit, final one, I promise: can it run java script?
I saw Majora's Mask being played on a video, so yes, it should be little different from any other N64 game.
Aethix said:
I saw Majora's Mask being played on a video, so yes, it should be little different from any other N64 game.
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imthatguy said:
I'd like to know before purchasing one, as many of the best N64 games such as DK64, Perfect Dark, and Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask require it and I have yet to see a handheld capable of emulating any of these even close to okay.
I wouldn't like to say anything about this personally, as I'm finding that the current revision of the N64 emulator - bearing in mind that it's very early days at this point - runs a number of non-Expansion Pak games too slowly (i.e., Banjo-Kazooie, and parts of Star Fox 64 which I understand is a "lighter" title than Banjo-Kazooie), even with my machine overclocked to 850MHz (which is, of course, not even a guaranteed speed - I'm just lucky that mine can do this).

I don't know how things will develop in the future, though - this is purely my experience as of right now, at the time of writing. :P

(EDIT: Before anyone says I'm being negative, I'm not - I'm just honestly sharing my experience of this software. I appreciate Mupen64Plus and all the work that's gone into it greatly. :))

Another edit: Also can this run Super Metroid? A lot of portable devices with a SNES emulator cannot.
Super Metroid runs fine. I've been playing it myself over the last couple of days.
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I would say no. On the N64 emulator for the Xbox (the nearest thing in terms of power to a Pandora probably) Majoras Mask completely chugs during the town sections. Even the official Nintendo emulator on the Gamecube suffers from the same thing (and they made the bloody thing). I watched that video, and he only plays the opening sections which really don't have much scenery at all. You can't really avoid the town either, as it's central to the whole game!

As for Peferct Dark... forget it!

Sorry to crush your dreams, just telling it like it is. :(
Expansion pak is just RAM, there's nothing inherent about it that would cause an obstacle on its own, and I'm pretty sure Mupen64plus supports it fine. Some games using it just have issues for other reasons.
SomeGuy99 said:
I would say no. On the N64 emulator for the Xbox (the nearest thing in terms of power to a Pandora probably) Majoras Mask completely chugs during the town sections. Even the official Nintendo emulator on the Gamecube suffers from the same thing (and they made the bloody thing). I watched that video, and he only plays the opening sections which really don't have much scenery at all. You can't really avoid the town either, as it's central to the whole game!
I played Majora's Mask until I got to the town on my Pandora and I don't recall it being much slower than the opening section (I guess my memory could be wrong though). It was slow enough in general though, that I wouldn't want to play through the game like that. I'm hoping that improves in time as I've never finished the game and it'd be nice to be able to play through it on a handheld.
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