Can I use this USB wifi adapter with my Pandora?

I'm no expert of the Pandora, but I do know it has wifi built into it.

After looking at what aircrack-ng is, I'm not sure it's legal for use on any networks that aren't yours (in the US, anyway... stealing wifi is illegal here :/)

The package is listed on Ångström's package list, so you could install that on a Pandora. The driver I'm not so sure of, though; if it's a binary x86 blob, it's not likely since the Pandora is ARM.
I know it has WiFi built into it but it is not capable of what aircrack needs to function as far as I can see.
It should work.

In order to use aircrack, the wifi needs to be put into monitor mode. According to this page, that is supported for the rt73usb (oh. and also for the wl1251, which is the chip in the pandora, just no AP-mode...)

The driver you're linking to is for the old wireless-stack, and isn't needed.

However, I don't know if the driver is included, or if the Pandora's kernel is recent enough.
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