US $6.99 Micro Wifi Dongle for Pandora

Thats the one, PC World also sell them if you can't wait.
Hello. Sorry, noob again I'm afraid. Have a wireless N router and looking a micro dongle to fit the bill. Has only tried (or know if compatible) the "Belkin Surf+ N300 F7D2102az USB Wireless Micro Adapter"? It's nice and compact and although a bit pricy, spec wise would be ideal.
attached is module to use OP's usb dongle, and any other 8192cu chipset, in experimental kernel. extract to root, sudo rmmod rtl8192cu, then sudo insmod <path to .ko>

all compiling credit goes to Cloudef


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I just wanna understand something - you guys are upgrading the Wifi to get better performance, right?
Yes. My wireless range using standard 'g' is not very good in my home. This is not the Pandora's fault particularly as other wireless 'g' devices suffer a similar problem. I want to upgrade to gain wireless 'n' support and therefore get the benefits of an extended reach. This Belkin device looks ideal considering it's compact size and spec.